v2.114.0 (2025-03-06)​
- support extended verification results (#778) (18f571c8)
v2.113.2 (2025-03-05)​
Bug Fixes​
- downcase Content-Type header (6eebfbdf)
- downcase X-Pact-Broker-Version header (8dfb3ac2)
- downcase Cache-Control header (6ceae489)
- downcase Vary header (a43416a3)
- add webmachine monkey patch to exclude webrick default load (ef674d37)
v2.113.1 (2025-02-20)​
Bug Fixes​
- Update openapi_first and use it's coverage thing (#783) (b3da850b)
- incorrect ProviderStates policy name. (#782) (bddfd2d0)
v2.113.0 (2025-02-13)​
Bug Fixes​
- make sure last_action_date always returns a DateTime object (d60c264e)
v2.112.0 (2024-09-09)​
- implemented setting cache for can-i-merge badges based on default configuration (e2bce55e)
- add application/hal+json content type for webhook logs (#679) (e84de4f4)
Bug Fixes​
- make clean_task.rb print the payload correctly (10fd69e2)
v2.111.0 (2024-07-26)​
Bug Fixes​
- docs
- Update OAS with correct ref to Notice schema (6729b7f8)
v2.110.0 (2024-04-02)​
reduce contention when updating the contract_data_updated_at field for integrations (#671) (ff72d03c)
support consumer version selector for all branches (#667) (34334ca8)
- use postgres advisory locks to ensure only one process can run a clean at a time (#672) (637c25fa)
Bug Fixes​
- use for_all_tag_heads instead of latest_by_consumer_tag when fetching wip by branch (14148a34)
- optimise WIP pacts by using branch/tag heads (#668) (871209e1)
- improve performance of WIP pacts by using branch heads instead of calculating latest pact for branch (f9705583)
v2.109.1 (2024-02-21)​
Bug Fixes​
- improve performance for 'pacts for verification' queries (299a6abe)
- correct spelling in message when pact is modified (ae62ae7a)
v2.109.0 (2024-02-01)​
- use SemanticLogger for Padrino (#662) (5d9d7002)
- improve performance of publication for very large pacts by calculating the content SHA only once per request (a947e409)
Bug Fixes​
- pass in environment to environment policy when getting an individual environment (5c386a43)
- Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#650) (9aaa3484)
v2.108.0 (2024-01-05)​
bulk delete branches (#652) (14ac33c8)
add latest version for branch endpoint (#644) (c216bec8)
add no-cache header (9a637327)
as pagination params (#642) (c71089fe)do not include pb:record-deployment or pb:record-release relations for versions embedded in resources (2f43590c)
remove status from individual error in problem+error response (a4b3ec58)
add version_id indexes to deployed_versions and released_versions (00fc7d10)
add endpoint to list branches for a pacticipant (#638) (ff7e3a53)
stop running tests for ruby 2.7 (034aba3b)
update sinatra and rack-protection to ~> 3.0 (92ebbdd3)
add branch endpoint supporting GET and DELETE (#635) (1bb6088d)
optimise matrix by applying specified limit to pact publications before joining to verifications (c61c324e)
optimise matrix query when selectors with pacticipant names only are used (b98f5d1a)
include environment name in pact metadata (e120c4e7)
improve wording of 'no version exits' messaging in can-i-deploy response (9529c679)
improve performance of matrix when multiple selectors are specified (#631) (58a28604)
add pagination parameter validation for paginated endpoints. (#626) (abb0a1c6)
add endpoint to list pacticipant versions by branch (9b4e3f61)
add endpoint to return latest pact for consumer, provider and consumer branch (f77086ef)
update required ruby version from 2.2 to 2.7 (f1b1e906)
add pagination and filtering for integrations endpoint (68d7cf30)
add contract_data_updated_at to integrations table to speed up dashboard query (#617) (e43c10f2)
support setting feature toggles via individual environment variables (#609) (be7d9d52)
- hardcode matrix count to -1 as calculating it causes performance issues and it has no meaning (62e121b8)
- optimise identification of the 'latest tag' (824c516a)
Bug Fixes​
- correct the query for pactRevisionsPerConsumerVersion (f76b9935)
fix performance issues due to contention in the integrations table when publishing a large number of contracts (> 20) per request, in parallel (#654) (321a2291)
raise 404 on paths with missing path segments (#648) (930b45cd)
do not error when no environment is found by name (d1501618)
ensure pact associations are eager loaded when finding a single pact (c98abda6)
gracefully handle validating an array when a hash is expected (b26ddb46)
fix error occuring when can-i-deploy badge is requested and no version is found (db7dee3a)
fix bug in error handling for 'can-i-deploy branch to environment' badge (c23beb6b)
improve performance of network diagram (#614) (ffd3ec4b)
fix error raised when attempting to log warning when webhook_redact_sensitive_data is set to false (9b66270e)
gracefully handle execution of webhooks that are deleted between execution attempts (#613) (1127b41f)
add extra validation to ensure parsed content is a hash when publishing pacts (913e0a52)
- return only most recent row missing verification when latestby=cp (b7550e53)
v2.107.1 (2023-05-02)​
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require in migration (6b540235)
v2.107.0 (2023-05-02)​
v2.107.0.beta.1 (2023-05-01)​
- add index to webhook_executions pact_publication_id column (37d1a4cf)
- update webmachine to support ruby 3 (9bb014e6)
- upgrade dry-validation gem in preparation for ruby 3 upgrade (3b4b66bf)
- restructure logs from DeleteOverwrittenData to match CleanIncremental (f11a9417)
- add branch_heads_branch_version_id_index (b1b4cefb)
Bug Fixes​
pacts for verification
- do not allow empty string for provider version branch when it is required for calculating WIP/pending pacts (412c4289)
fix error raised when clean selectors include a selector with a max age and a selector with a max age and a branch (53b171bd)
- correct logic for detecting when only the pacticipant name has been specified for a selector (85bcdb35)
v2.106.0 (2023-01-31)​
add consumer_version_id index to latest_pact_publication_ids_for_consumer_versions (b75ca5ee)
improve the performance of the incremental clean queries (c3a07c79)
add index to provider_version_id column in latest_verification_id_for_pact_version_and_provider_version (0e1c43dd)
Pacticipant pagination (#585) (f1a9be20)
do not allow JSON request bodies that are not Objects or Arrays (3d917286)
add index for verification_id in pact_version_provider_tag_successful_verifications table (b82a773a)
monkey patch Webmachine render_error method to support problem+json (#584) (508f7ce2)
support problem+json for error messages (#583) (92957ebb)
add index to provider_version_id column in verifications table (aac33725)
- log automatically added selectors (135c1c0e)
Bug Fixes​
check that request body does not contain any invalid UTF-8 characters before JSON parsing (0a08d644)
- no space after
(#581) (1b9ebdfe)
- no space after
- correctly validate HTTP method when the given method is not a valid class name (6da5a4f3)
v2.105.0 (2022-10-19)​
update wording of version description for version in environment (d122fa68)
- allow auth headers to be logged for debugging purposes (#575) (102b1930)
Bug Fixes​
add validation to ensure an environment or to tag is specified for the /can-i-deploy endpoint (e9d772eb)
implement pending logic for provider branches (7cdf1a7c)
wip pacts
- fix performance issue encountered when removing explicitly specified pacts from the list of potential WIP pacts (#573) (757f0301)
v2.104.0 (2022-09-17)​
- ignore deleted webhooks when calculating the latest triggered webhook status (c3105dcb)
v2.103.0 (2022-09-14)​
allow rack protection use and except options to be configured (f44db585)
- only warn about missing version numbers if there are no selectors with a version number (ac4e1e73)
Bug Fixes​
- correctly identify database version when schema_migrations table is empty (dcb59203)
v2.102.2 (2022-07-14)​
Bug Fixes​
- add blank? refinement for TrueClass and FalseClass (05bb3bed)
v2.102.1 (2022-07-08)​
Bug Fixes​
- ensure blank? method is defined where used (b81b5e9b)
v2.102.0 (2022-07-07)​
- default allow_dangerous_contract_modification to false for new installations (85a89951)
Bug Fixes​
- add missing provider version branch parameter to webhook requests (262dae44)
- clean up pacticipants with no names (0aff250d)
- update string refinements with blank? and present? (8373f88f)
- update validation for creating pacticipants to return a 400 when name is missing (fcb02aa6)
v2.101.0 (2022-06-07)​
- recalculate the branch head if the deleted branch version was the latest for the branch (db51d4fe)
- support deleting branch versions (removing a version from a branch) (661667b3)
- improve error message when request has non UTF-8 characters (#559) (3addc0c8)
Bug Fixes​
- add missing environment policy record for use when recording deployments (09bb02a6)
- fix bug where pacticipant with blank name was being created instead of updating existing record (be24a8ad)
- ensure pacticipant name is retained when updating with PUT (eeac47c3)
v2.100.0 (2022-05-20)​
check for potential duplicate pacticipants in publish contracts endpoint (#558) (ed714f03)
add support for "can i merge" matrix query (bb108ed2)
remove inefficient skynet query for tags (bdc2599c)
update text for matrix version description when no version is in an enviroment (3eb5581d)
pacts for verification
- update wip and pending descriptions for wip pacts (b06d4477)
- add support for selectors specified by branch and environment name when reporting that a version does not exist (07ff8044)
Bug Fixes​
- matrix
- identify the correct failed version when a selector resolves to multiple versions (11e7dc1c)
v2.99.0 (2022-05-13)​
- remove disable_use_branch_heads_for_latest_branch_pacts feature toggle (5c6f1766)
- remove new_wip_calculation feature toggle (add6cb08)
- timeout long running pact content diff requests (#555) (88abb2cf)
- change sql_log_level default from debug to none (9f7aed46)
Bug Fixes​
- fix unescaped pacticipant name and main branch in details and network pages (b8b1d306)
return a 400 when invalid JSON is used to create a version (9af2cfaf)
only log API requests/responses, not web assets, when http_debug_logging_enabled is true (1f232c08)
- fix performance issue when querying matrix with one selector (3a08d128)
pacts for verification
- return the pacts for the branch heads when using the branch selector (6dac495e)
v2.98.0 (2022-03-29)​
- support debug logging of entire request and response (42eb4a17)
v2.97.0 (2022-03-29)​
- webhook certificates
- support setting webhook certificates using environment variables (82c7a7e5)
Bug Fixes​
- do not set postgres connection driver options if database_statement_timeout is nil (adec4b00)
v2.96.0 (2022-03-21)​
- print final value of configuration attribute rather than source value (9c0fd3c4)
Bug Fixes​
- ensure database and basic auth credentials are not coerced to arrays if they contain commas (5bce7ce4)
- allow lazy loading when finding individual pacts (04e03cb2)
v2.95.1 (2022-03-18)​
Bug Fixes​
- can-i-deploy
- allow new provider to be introduced to existing consumer without can-i-deploy having circular dependency issues (e43974ca)
v2.95.0 (2022-03-16)​
- add relation for can-i-deploy branch to environment badge (6ece8e93)
- add badge url for 'can I deploy latest version of branch to envionment' endpoint (086b8c10)
Bug Fixes​
- pacts for verification
- do not de-duplicate pacts with the same content but different consumers (ae3bb541)
v2.94.0 (2022-02-22)​
add can-i-deploy endpoint for checking if the latest version for a branch can be deployed to a particular environment (34b145e8)
truncate tags, branches and versions in UI when they are super long (#513) (94bbf915)
integration dashboard
- add copy buttons next to the branch, tag and environment labels (5b86ac88)
Bug Fixes​
Improve Matrix request performance (#537) (123f8629)
Eagerly load pact publication fields (#536) (c3f6993b)
- properties accordion should be collapsed by default (#544) (19466121)
v2.93.4 (2022-02-21)​
Bug Fixes​
matrix page
- set correct base URL for links when a path is specified in the base URL (8305456b)
handle DateTimes that come back from Sqlite as Strings (1312a049)
v2.93.3 (2022-02-02)​
Bug Fixes​
ensure webhook_certificates setting is honoured in webhook (7933a526)
ensure disable_ssl_verification setting is honoured in webhook (08bc758c)
ensure webhook_certificates setting is honoured in webhook (8a720cdb)
ensure disable_ssl_verification setting is honoured in webhook (0728b3d7)
- fixing vulnerability by upgrading HAL browser dependencies (a6b06f66)
v2.93.2 (2021-12-23)​
Bug Fixes​
- Improve SortContent performance on large contracts (#538) (1914c01f)
v2.93.1 (2021-12-21)​
Bug Fixes​
- optimise query for calculating the latest overall pacts (f44aaa70)
v2.93.0 (2021-12-07)​
- remove feature flag for new_wip_calculations (972ceadd)
- call the database clean within a transaction (408c84ef)
Bug Fixes​
- fix clean performance fix (#530) (6c71e57b)
- fix performance issue loading latest version for pacticipant (c575d132)
v2.92.0 (2021-11-27)​
- allow SQL caller logging to be enabled (861d8f21)
- use a separate table to track the successful verifications of pact versions for each provider version tag (feature toggled with "new_wip_calculation") (df0acfa3)
Bug Fixes​
- Improve delete orphans SQL query (#527) (853354ea)
v2.91.0 (2021-11-15)​
- add environments to matrix response (fd50f22c)
- remove feature toggle around change to return the pact for the latest tagged version, rather than the latest pact that has a version with the tag (fac3fc8a)
Bug Fixes​
- load images from the correct path when the Pact Broker application is run from a non root context (a268ef25)
v2.90.0 (2021-11-12)​
- do not let clean task delete currently deployed or currently released+supported versions (b05f0b67)
- allow webhook certificates to be configured in the pact_broker.yml file (7c60c955)
Bug Fixes​
handle conflict check for pacts where the interactions are missing in one or the other (71844f0f)
fix error that occurs in some versions of Sqlite when running 20210702_drop_unused_columns_from_deployed_versions.rb (0daa4459)
correct logic when redacting database URL without a password (30d66cf7)
set resolved environment for environment selectors (f02474b7)
- upgrade to bootstrap v4.6.1 (0433107c)
v2.89.1 (2021-10-28)​
Bug Fixes​
- honour max_age when set in clean selector (828420d4)
null safe navigation in case a branch head does not exist for a branch version (4b259a81)
v2.89.0 (2021-10-15)​
- add applicationInstance to deployed version resource as a replacement for target (9bfafc8a)
- apply allow_dangerous_contract_modification setting when publishing using the /contracts/publish endpoint (956227fe)
- add support for matchingBranch property in consumer version selectors (48068d29)
Bug Fixes​
- set missing provider branch name parameter for contract_requiring_verification_published webhooks (777ccdd2)
- correct misnamed database port configuration property causing the PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_PORT not to be respected (3d14013a)
v2.88.0 (2021-10-11)​
- include relations for each consumer version that a pact version belongs to when retrieved using the URL from the 'pacts for verification' response (3458c9e5)
Bug Fixes​
use the decoded path info rather than the encoded one when creating the pact info (dd30a1a2)
edge case in webhook description rendering with participants specified by labels (#512) (7e6a78d8)
- prevent long version names overlfow the table (#511) (3c279556)
v2.87.0 (2021-10-05)​
- preselect the consumer version when clicking through to matrix page from integration dashboard (b550b470)
- show tooltip explaining auto created branches (cdaf7f6e)
add pb:can-i-deploy-pacticipant-version-to-environment relation (67328194)
Bug Fixes​
- increase size of event_context column (c1596419)
correctly merge dry validation and custom validation error messages when publishing contracts (688b1e3f)
pacts for verification
- correct logic for returning pact for main branch when no consumer version selectors are specified (8847e442)
db clean
- optimise calls to identify overwritten data to delete (aaef9e6d)
v2.86.0 (2021-09-17)​
- allow webhooks to match pacticipants by label (#501) (f30a9dcc)
- in the webhook body for contract_published and contract_content_changed, use the latest verification from the main branch if present (b45398bd)
- change default database_connection_validation_timeout from -1 (every request) to nil (which Sequel will set to 3600 seconds) (0c508572)
- add version details of the implementation that verified a Pact (#363) (021a8692)
v2.85.1 (2021-09-14)​
Bug Fixes​
- fix bug identifying latest verification for tagged pact (43ac4b03)
v2.85.0 (2021-09-13)​
- show in the UI whether or not a pact was pending when verification failed (326c068e)
- thread safe configuration overrides (#500) (50900231)
- allow dashboard pacts to be viewed by branch, tag, environment or all (1ec8fc82)
- support deleting pacts by branch in the UI (bc8fef1d)
- update UI (0ba5eda3)
v2.84.0 (2021-09-10)​
use the first tag as the branch when publishing pacts using the contracts/publish endpoint (7b903c1d)
support multiple branches per version (#495) (acff2fcc)
Support deleting all pacts for a specific tag in the UI (#480) (10dda8ae)
add webhook template parameter for GItlab verification statuses (#493) (390ae0d8)
pacts for verification
- include pending status for responses by default when includePendingStatus is not specified (748d3b87)
Bug Fixes​
- when the latest version for a tag does not have a pact, do not return a pact for the 'latest tag' selector (374c77ce)
- issue-reproduction/Dockerfile-pact-broker to reduce vulnerabilities (#491) (9692b465)
- Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#496) (57c190ef)
v2.83.0 (2021-08-19)​
add index to verifications table to improve performance of 'latest verification' query (02eeb424)
Bug Fixes​
v2.82.0 (2021-08-14)​
do not allow contract content for a consumer version to be modified for all new Broker instances (#484) (b1819749)
ensure saved configuration is loaded appropriately into the RuntimeConfiguration (c5ab52ad)
automatically set main branch (#483) (63e287ee)
allow the first tag to be used as the branch name to assist migrating to branches (#478) (a086214a)
add support for contract_requiring_verification_published webhook (#476) (b4699df0)
automatically create database connection from YAML or environment variable config (ca34b030)
move basic auth code in from pact-broker-docker (869bcd61)
allow Pact Broker to be configured using a YAML file and environment variables (#471) (6e3d0e62)
pacts for verification
- if no consumer version selectors are specified, return the pacts for the latest main version, and all the deployed and released versions (5fccd524)
- add counts for environment, deployed version, released version, pacticipants and versions with branch set (8272b08b)
Bug Fixes​
lazy load latest verification using select max, and eager load using the skynet query (e6ee6ab5)
improve performance of query for latest verification for pact_version (d63081d8)
do not allow the deployment of a provider version with no results when one of its consumers is already deployed (#486) (219029c0)
add cache busting parameters to css and js links (9cab749a)
- correctly construct options when environment is used in the can-i-deploy GET endpoint (cb79a404)
v2.81.0 (2021-07-17)​
- enable environments, deployed versions and released versions endpoints without a feature toggle required (84a59c10)
- add detailed debug logging for WIP pact calculations (81290238)
- add debug level logging for WIP pacts calculations (a7c16833)
- include deployed and released versions in index page when viewing latest tags (655e9dd5)
- add interactions counts to metrics endpoint (c765afe1)
- automatically create a deployed version when a tag is created with the same name as an environment (56a583af)
- support viewing all versions for branch in matrix UI (12f92951)
- validate environment name in consumer version selector (f1ad8f6b)
- support the deployedOrReleased: true consumer version selector (042a1612)
- add interactions_count and messages_count to pact_versions table (c17adbe6)
- shorten length of metadata in pact URLs by using the consumer version id instead of number (27b34bc9)
Bug Fixes​
- Display pagination correctly in index page with tag (#469) (cda9c15e)
v2.80.0 (2021-07-06)​
filter pacticipant name on index page (#446) (fd882da4)
add uuid to webhook decorator (3a916064)
add endpoint to list currently supported versions for an environment (9608be8b)
support marking a released version as unsupported (f6c4ee27)
add pactbroker.azureDevOpsVerificationStatus webhook parameter (8804a90f)
add deployed version resource, supporting marking deployed version as undeployed (3dd19955)
add warnings to can-i-deploy response when bad practice selectors are used (85540c85)
support PATCH for pacticipant with application/merge-patch+json (404e14cb)
set main branch for pacticipant (ab1cd016)
rename writeMode to onConflict for contract publishing endpoint (26a4e358)
replace mainDevelopmentBranches with mainBranch for pacticipant (02d4525e)
updating pending and wip logic to exclude pacts already verified by another branch before the specified branch was created (#432) (db643d3c)
ignore pacticipant for can i deploy (#429) (25e62fd9)
add notices to contract publishing response, with intent to rem… (#430) (dacbe906)
support deployments and releases as separate concepts (#426) (58d173db)
keep the triggered webhooks after the webhook has been deleted (a5ab2a35)
add endpoint to create pacts, pacticipant, version, tags in one request (#420) (df899ebd)
add pb:version relation to the pacticipant resource (83ce38a4)
add repository and branch properties to pacticipant (98a799b2)
currently deployed selector (#396) (8666d709)
add relations to environments endpoint for each environment (784c3535)
allow multiple base URLs to be configured (f88c69de)
support recording deployments (#389) (19ac1fcc)
pacts for verification
- support released:true selector (#451) (8a90cc57)
- default latest to true when branch is specified and currentlyDeployed to true when an environment is specified (984320b6)
- display selectors in a formatted list (3cab7a00)
- update validation for consumer version selectors for the fields environment, currentlyDeployed and branch (ec7dc435)
- support querying by branch (110578dc)
pacticipant versions
record deployment
- require replacedPreviousDeployedVersion to be set (70398069)
deployed versions
- add endpoint to list deployed versions for an environment (bd0ca9d6)
Bug Fixes​
add rubocop and fix offenses (#441) (7c1c3044)
gracefully handle an interactions value that is not an array (a9a5df3d)
Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#418) (5319a997)
select pact publication with matching consumer version when triggering webhook for verification (274e1456)
issue-reproduction/Dockerfile-pact-broker to reduce vulnerabilities (#414) (34c70984)
use URL safe base64 encoding for pact metadata (fa1a3333)
handle metadata that has had its padding removed (06bd6d3d)
lock reform gem (00cbac8c)
fix missing verification status colours in matrix rows (d91662d9)
- gracefully handle a verification number in the URL that is not an integer (7fe98a7d)
- Make long pacticipant versions look nice (#407) (dbb967e3)
v2.79.0 (2021-02-25)​
- allow multiple base URLs to be configured (6d0dc8b3)
- copy full git sha rather than abbreviated one when clicking the copy button next to an application version (dae9cae5)
Bug Fixes​
- fix missing verification status colours in matrix rows (687d4647)
v2.78.1 (2021-02-18)​
Bug Fixes​
- handle nil response when determining webhook success status (20ca9e66)
v2.78.0 (2021-02-15)​
- support create, update and delete of environment resources (#379) (410f2e80)
- allow version to be created with tags (798afce9)
- Follow up for #239 + adding list of success codes to SAVABLE_SETTING_NAMES variable (#388) (08c0ad09)
v2.77.0 (2021-02-11)​
- allow the http codes to be considered as "successful" to be configured. (a84989b1)
add duplicate columns to tags table to reduce joins (5ca9de62)
set the branch in the seed data (9a00ce6d)
display version branch on index and matrix pages (2057df7d)
support creating version with branch (#371) (5884a047)
sort tags on index and matrix pages and APIs by creation date (91590718)
sort consumer version tags by date in dashboard response (f82ba1bc)
v2.76.2 (2021-01-29)​
Bug Fixes​
- trigger one webhook for each pact publication that the verified content belongs to when using the 'pacts for verification' API (#378) (114ccad0)
v2.76.1 (2021-01-28)​
Bug Fixes​
- deduplicate wip pacts by content (0af90776)
- message when pending pact is verified successfully for the first time (#376) (4fc69190)
- use base URL from rack env in UI (5bf21324)
v2.76.0 (2021-01-21)​
- verification results
- redirect requests for verification results to the HAL browser if requested in a web browser (0f948de5)
v2.75.0 (2021-01-18)​
upgrade bootstrap (#370) (a457c337)
add indexes to webhook_executions and triggered_webhooks tables (b05e7dbe)
- set read and open timeouts (8b502c44)
Bug Fixes​
- upgrade to jquery-3.5.1 to address vulnerabilities in jquery-3.3.1 (de41b231)
- upgrade redcarpet for CVE-2020-26298 (b57aad32)
v2.74.1 (2021-01-05)​
Bug Fixes​
- deps
- remove manual specification for nokogiri now the fix for CVE-2020-26247 has been released in 1.11 (771378a9)
v2.74.0 (2021-01-04)​
- include the consumer version selectors in the metadata of the 'pact for verification' URL (32bbe1c3)
Bug Fixes​
- deps
- update nokogiri for CVE-2020-26247 (336ec897)
v2.73.0 (2020-12-16)​
- permenently enable feature that keeps pacts as WIP when verified via the URL from a webhook triggered by pact publication (70071373)
allow error causes to be configured to log at warning level (3a7bf5ea)
add self relations for tags in matrix resource (727cee99)
add self relation to tags in extended pact and verification resources (a560ce6d)
- timeout matrix count (43091b57)
Bug Fixes​
- url encode tag name in tag URL (80df832d)
v2.72.0 (2020-12-02)​
- allow overwritten data deletion to be configured with extra options (fd809737)
- use the consumer version number in the metadata to select the correct consumer version for a pact version resource (422c87fc)
- return link to latest pact if more pacts exist when deleting pacts by tag (b87ea704)
- update output for clean dry run (681a5ddd)
- update metrics output (0617e9df)
v2.71.0 (2020-11-28)​
- allow clean to be performed in dry run mode (a7a18fde)
v2.70.0 (2020-11-28)​
allow limit to be applied to clean task (d29e5c62)
optimise the query to load the tags with latest flags (bc47613f)
optimise query to find head tags for a pact (67309e37)
wip pacts
- experimental feature - if no provider versions exist, consider all head pacts wip (a635cc53)
Bug Fixes​
- return empty body when group csv is requested for a pacticipant that does not have any integrations (fb4e28ce)
v2.69.0 (2020-11-24)​
- keep pacts as WIP when verified via the pactUrl passed though the webhook template parameters - experimental. (a9b3fef0)
add link to the pact content version (8eefba5f)
display V3 provider states in HTML (#357) (8e06a7f2)
optimise query for determining latest verification for consumer and provider (7889b051)
Bug Fixes​
- return a 404 when the base pact for a pact diff doesn't exist (74d3644d)
- Add consumer name to inclusion reason log (#358) (82901891)
v2.68.1 (2020-10-24)​
Bug Fixes​
- set default User-Agent header in webhook requests (caa71f9b)
v2.68.0 (2020-10-23)​
- use a sequence for the version order on postgres (da497a76)
- only cascade apps for 404s (not 405s) (4e1b3083)
- use a sequence for the verification number on postgres (b8f029ee)
- optimise query to find latest verification for pact (db17ef5a)
v2.67.0 (2020-10-16)​
- wip pacts
Bug Fixes​
typo when rendering created webhook for old webhooks path (1e6a06a0)
include can-i-deploy badge in is_badge_path? logic (31ea5f34)
pacts for verification
- gracefully log empty request body (0e48d13a)
- gracefully handle pacticipant not found (f6903b23)
v2.66.0 (2020-10-01)​
paginate pacticipant versions (f489ba7b)
- add event name to group by clause when selecting latest triggered webhooks (134f12c8)
Bug Fixes​
- maintain latest and tag params when submitting page after following link from can-i-deploy debug logs (6e2f1a85)
v2.65.0 (2020-09-25)​
- pacts for verification
v2.64.0 (2020-09-25)​
- add API endpoint for can-i-deploy for latest tagged pacticipant version (88fdc60a)
- render matrix UI page for can-i-deploy endpoint (463e9cfd)
- change text on can-i-deploy badge (f9e183e9)
v2.63.0 (2020-09-25)​
- allow label of can-i-deploy badge to be customised by setting the label query parameter (ed544f94)
- add badges for can-i-deploy (887a9ca3)
v2.62.0 (2020-09-23)​
- remove user-agent and accept-encoding headers which the Ruby HTTP library adds by default (ef25b88c)
add event name to triggered webhook (ecce16fd)
Bug Fixes​
- use path to initialise http request, rather than full URL (ecbac9a6)
gracefully handle corrupt webhook metadata in pact URL (ba94c355)
v2.61.0 (2020-09-12)​
- add back support for GET requests to the 'pacts for verification' API with a deprecation notice in the response (8f45cc9f)
v2.60.1 (2020-09-10)​
Bug Fixes​
- href for beta:provider-pacts-for-verification (3949fdd1)
v2.60.0 (2020-09-08)​
- pacts for verification
Bug Fixes​
- correctly handle new test results format when merging test results with pact contents (b35ab71b)
v2.59.2 (2020-08-06)​
Bug Fixes​
- gracefully handle contracts without interactions or messages in deployment status warnings (6c223e69)
- add missing info level log for business level errors (80a895bf)
v2.59.1 (2020-08-04)​
Bug Fixes​
- fix error rendering relationships diagram when the number of index items is greater than one page (93a19982)
v2.59.0 (2020-07-30)​
- add timestamps to version resource (818a0c2c)
v2.58.3 (2020-07-25)​
Bug Fixes​
- correctly encode user entered data in attributes, Javascript, and HTML (523980e2)
v2.58.2 (2020-07-17)​
Bug Fixes​
- update CSP to allow badges to be loaded from (a87e5274)
- add missing URL encoding in various URLs (276094bc)
v2.58.0 (2020-06-19)​
- log foreign key constraint errors as warn as 99% of the time they are transitory and unreproducible and should not cause alarms to be raised (71fd0270)
- use structured logs for logging errors (1e097b37)
Bug Fixes​
- fix: update sanitize gem for CVE-2020-4054 (2af4bf9d)
- do not parse the provider version as a semantic version when order_versions_by_date is true (bf30024f)
v2.57.0 (2020-06-16)​
- add Content Security Policy header (fd2e81fb)
Bug Fixes​
- upgrade Rack for vulnerability CVE-2020-8184 (99b78b3c)
- fix Home link on pact page (081d1586)
- return a 422 if the URL path contains a new line or tab (db9f7f4d)
v2.56.1 (2020-06-01)​
Bug Fixes​
- matrix ui
- fix home link (67065b7d)
v2.56.0 (2020-06-01)​
allow PactFlow messages in logs to be hidden by setting PACT_BROKER_HIDE_PACTFLOW_MESSAGES=true (a7550105)
- experimental - add a warning message if there are interactions missing verification test results. (f7ab8cc5)
Bug Fixes​
- use relative URLs when base_url not explictly set to ensure app is not vulnerable to host header attacks (92c45a0a)
- raise PactBroker::Error when either pacticipant is not found in the business layer while attempting to delete an integration (3c209a46)
v2.55.0 (2020-05-22)​
- support non root context (#344) (dc480499)
v2.54.0 (2020-05-13)​
- hal browser
- update to latest code (a79ad290)
Bug Fixes​
update rack for CVE-2020-8161 (96c3386a)
hal browser
- fix xss vulnerability (ac564412)
- add missing validation for event names when creating webhooks (5fc0563c)
v2.53.0 (2020-05-12)​
- badge
- include tag names in matrix badge (cce7cd01)
Bug Fixes​
pacts for verification
- ensure a separate pact URL is returned for each consumer when multiple consumers share the same pact json content (13e7b640)
gracefully handle fetching matrix badge when specified pact does not exist (e8ec4101)
include the base URL in the link to the webhook docs (5363ab2e)
v2.52.2 (2020-04-16)​
Bug Fixes​
- pact URL in matrix page (5ed046f1)
v2.52.1 (2020-03-30)​
Bug Fixes​
- set consumer and provider to nil on the underlying webhook when they are not specified in the incoming webhook JSON (f85b6ea2)
v2.52.0 (2020-03-25)​
pact ui
- update matrix URL to specify the latest provider version (23b02c80)
matrix ui
- highlight rows with the same consumer/provider/consumer version/provider version (99b36d50)
- speed up query for UI by reducing the number of joins and removing unncessary criteria (#332) (9e5ea8be)
pacts for verification
Bug Fixes​
- ensure requests for text/plain go to the API rather than the UI (1cf28009)
v2.51.0 (2020-03-11)​
- clean
Bug Fixes​
- set consumer and provider relationships when a webhook is created and consumer/provider are set in the body of the request rather than the URL (5ccdd31c)
- sort matrix rows by last action date (f625c9ad)
- gracefully handle badge redirects when the pact is not found (2da36574)
v2.50.1 (2020-02-27)​
Bug Fixes​
- webhooks
- make consumer_version_tags an array when creating metadata for latest [tagged] pact (59b9e4c5)
v2.50.0 (2020-02-27)​
- upgrade to pact-support 1.14.1 (47c23b7d)
- display repository URL on the pacticipant relationships page (5d285e95)
expose configuration option to allow missing migrations files on startup (58dea9ab)
add rake task to clean overwritten pact publications and verifications (942dfbd0)
include tag and consumer version number in metadata parameter of verification creation URL when verifying latest pact for a tag (3b59e824)
- add relation to view matrix rows for the consumer version (13cb20b1)
v2.49.0 (2020-02-13)​
- support upsert of webhook via a PUT to /webhooks/{uuid} (f9ba9ab5)
don't double parse the incoming JSON body when checking if it is invalid. (bd74b82c)
support saving symbol configuration settings (73db9c2b)
allow verification status badges to be served via a redirect instead of proxying the response (a34d5f7f)
v2.48.0 (2020-02-07)​
pacts for verification
support DELETE for verification results (70392e53)
Bug Fixes​
v2.47.1 (2020-02-01)​
Bug Fixes​
- ensure latest verification is loaded on pact object before executing webhook (41eb25d8)
v2.47.0 (2020-01-31)​
- include the webhook context in the execution logs (29f65bef)
v2.46.0 (2020-01-30)​
allow the base URL of the application to be set for the API (73bd4c44)
correct logs relation to pb:logs in the triggered webhooks resource (89ea1a58)
pacts for verification
- add pre and post verification messages that can be displayed to the user based on whether or not the verification has passed or failed (bb079858)
- allow all versions for a particular tag to be verified (eg. all prod versions of a mobile consumer) (e16feef6)
- optimise queries for determining which provider version tags are pending (b4e1461a)
Bug Fixes​
- pacts for verification
- set includePendingStatus to false by default (9b3162ac)
v2.45.0 (2020-01-30)​
expose the data migrations code as a rake task (00ee00d5)
pacts for verification
- include URL of pact in inclusion message (5a85a5a4)
Bug Fixes​
- can-i-deploy
- when multiple selectors are specified, do not infer integrations unless the "latest" or "tag" are specified (c5819299)
v2.44.0 (2020-01-22)​
add hal relation for creating a tag on the pacticipant version resource (dca0ad4f)
Bug Fixes​
update pact-support to fix bug caused by missing require (416ecdf5)
correct logic for finding pacticipants by name when the name contains an underscore (6d975ebe)
correct logic for finding pacticipants by name when the name contains an underscore (2db59797)
- correctly infer selectors when multiple selectors have been specified (4288c282)
v2.43.0 (2020-01-06)​
support DELETE /integrations for deleting all integration related data at once (pacticipants, pacts, verifications and webhooks) (d7e2ef27)
optimise query to automatically determine integrations (147cbfb6)
change badge timeout message from error to warning (e34f5676)
- optimise the query that determines the integrations (704944b6)
Bug Fixes​
- update rack for (c9352fde)
- correctly identify missing verification for bi-directional pacts (3577968a)
v2.42.0 (2019-12-05)​
pacts for verification
- allow webhooks to be triggered for verification successes and failures (6735da32)
v2.41.0 (2019-11-21)​
pacts for verification
example data
- include a pre-verified pact (49fd5004)
- remove before_resource and after_resource hook calls from diagnostics endpoints (b1dac2bd)
add missing super calls in BaseResource child classes (1071ca8a)
optimise latest_verification_ids_for_consumer_version_tags (9e84ce7d)
optimise latest_pact_publications_by_consumer_versions (86846271)
optimise latest_pact_consumer_version_orders (c4febeaa)
optimise latest_tagged_pact_consumer_version_orders view (d92cb8f2)
v2.40.0 (2019-10-26)​
- default page to showing 'latest by consumer version and provider' as it is much quicker and less confusing. (dd879250)
optimise query to find latest verification for consumer version tag (301b30ca)
matrix badge
- optimise database query (2b7f8e23)
Bug Fixes​
- exceptions on matrix page due to recent query optimisation (3c504ba5)
- remove 'v' prefix on versions during render (#313) (e109a8cd)
v2.39.0 (2019-10-21)​
- allow date to be specified for data to clean and return counts of deleted and kept rows (29dcbacd)
update db clean to remove webhooks triggered by verifications (f38eeaea)
add revisions per consumer version and verifications per pact version to metrics (f764fbca)
show more helpful error message when someone tries to get /all verifications for a pact (bea59518)
add missing HAL docs for various relations and correct test that should have identified their absence (a057427c)
add can-i-deploy endpoint to expose a simplified interface to the /matrix resource that accepts the same parameters as the can-i-deploy CLI. (02443f39)
add 'pacts for verification' endpoint (#308) (31fb8aa7)
dashboard api
- eager load the pact_version (b6b5c900)
Bug Fixes​
typos on ISSUE_TEMPLATE (#311) (a10b4792)
add endpoints to get latest verification for latest pact (73413727)
support application/vnd.pactbrokerextended.v1+json for latest pact resource (476ff595)
- undefined method (b365c64b)
dashboard api
- remove expensive queries for unused data (07206559)
v2.38.1 (2019-09-23)​
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require (36500e04)
v2.38.0 (2019-09-20)​
add pactflow message to start up and error logs (530dbfe9)
allow interaction ids to be manually set for test data (4e256102)
- use 'refreshable' link for latest verification result so pact can be refreshed and display the latest result (1ab8a5d9)
Bug Fixes​
- don't drop column from view in down step, because you can't remove a column from a view in posgres (045f3f38)
- add test results to all verifications views (9bc1eab1)
v2.37.0 (2019-09-02)​
Bug Fixes​
delete triggered webhook data when deleting pacticipant version (77265c30)
index with tags
- sort pact publication by date, not string (#301) (e92bde5f)
- sort pact publication by date, not string (75d35802)
v2.36.1 (2019-08-30)​
Bug Fixes​
- do not show clipboard icon if version is blank (#297) (36948fe1)
v2.36.0 (2019-08-30)​
- add resource to get latest verification for a pact (f02a1ca0)
- add /metrics endpoint (9bcbc1bd)
- add tags to verification resource (830632a2)
- add content type to return pact with extra metadata (eg tags) (76668639)
- remove use of 'stale' for dashboard resource (e173f5cf)
Bug Fixes​
- pact broker client issue 53 (#299) (aa27cef3)
- version column resize when clipboard icon appears (#292) (5aa668e9)
v2.35.0 (2019-08-08)​
- do not redact a password with a parameter in it (47c602ef)
- update parameter text (7fa518cb)
- do not redact header if it contains a parameter (5787e0d1)
- support template parameters in header values, username and password (a800ac2e)
- simplify request logger format (c52ade2f)
- add the logs and success flag to the execution result (96769a88)
- allow testing of an unsaved webhook (a436e42d)
- gracefully handle scenario where triggered webhook has been deleted while webhook was being executed (052055d4)
- use consumer/provider names in webhook title (2b5d2498)
add copy to clipboard for version numbers (#283) (c10a6f28)
update redact logs (51aa13c0)
use hardcoded error message when error class has a nil message (03a3b63c)
ensure clean up script handles pact versions for left over verifications (116f8eaa)
added clean up sql script (388b441e)
add Vary header to avoid browser returning the wrong cached content type for a resource (6d30baa2)
change logging level from error to info for JSON parsing errors (cc144062)
Bug Fixes​
inefficient SQL loading latest verification for pact version (301d9a58)
publish pacts
- handle race condition when creating pact version (de0d3b7f)
v2.34.0 (2019-06-14)​
- provide mapping to bitbucket build status names (#277) (7bdf0c47)
change log level for webhook triggering logs from debug to info (2dca79c1)
Bug Fixes​
- gracefully handle two requests coming in at the same time to create the same pacticipant (78d92ada)
- gracefully handle pact webhook status when there is no pact yet (ba1f6bc7)
- do not overwrite existing pactbroker.database_connector in rack env (0da5d070)
v2.33.0 (2019-06-07)​
- add pb:pacticipant and pb:pacticipant-version-tag relations to the index resource (2c4c258c)
Bug Fixes​
correctly remove webhook consumer/provider when update params do not contain a consumer/provider (118bbee1)
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cv_prov_revision_unq" error when publishing identical pact resources at the same time (6c8e38fb)
- ensure unrelated dependencies are not included in a matrix result when three pacticipants each have dependencies on each other (a086ffec)
v2.32.0 (2019-05-28)​
- maintain starred out Authorization header value (cc978582)
- don't use username if empty string (9327271d)
- do not show backtrace in webhook test execution response (c8a8194e)
- return a 200 status for webhook test execution response even when execution has failed (d90c4552)
- do not require basic auth password to be re-submitted when a webhook is updated - maintain existing value if not present (55d7f4ad)
- allow description to be edited (302d70f6)
- only trigger enabled webhooks (cb2b0321)
- add enabled column to model and database schema (ce452ec8)
add metadata to webhook and verification URLs to correctly track relevant versions and tags (#274) (426b0b19)
add group url to /integrations _links (e2584f53)
add matrix URL to /integration _links (344d3e18)
allow dashboard resource to be filtered by consumer/provider (a2408520)
add hal+json endpoint for listing integrations (40f3e021)
allow a custom API to be configured (1c371163)
- show user specified description instead of generated one in collection resource (2643d957)
- do not default to latestby=cvpv for consumer/provider matrix (742d506c)
Bug Fixes​
- correctly set updated consumer and provider (d865a429)
default matrix limit for /matrix/provider/PROVIDER/consumer/CONSUMER endpoint to 100 (7ccc9b6f)
gracefully handle situation where webhook is deleted before execution (634ccd53)
duplicate key value violates unique constraint uq_ver_ppt_ord (4303e4f7)
v2.31.0 (2019-04-30)​
display times in UTC in API responses (a4231117)
log the reason why a webhook has been triggered (30522c0d)
add _ids to interactions added via the TestDataBuilder (d21e7092)
update names of example apps (2b2a3f81)
ignore order of keys when generating interaction sha (e6a0e8d8)
use _id instead of id for the interaction identifier (010a14ab)
add ids to interactions when pacts are published (cd377850)
remove whitespace from pact content when saving to database (1f53682e)
monkeypatch webmachine to make the rack env available on the request (40be97db)
ensure index page is not cached (0cfa9bbf)
correct provider state matching for merging (41ff6e5d)
only seed example data when database is empty (0f2d00a6)
seed app with example data on first startup (cf27ad8c)
batch delete versions and tags using delete instead of destroy for efficiency (1315e0b1)
allow pact to be deleted through the UI (df0f35cb)
upgrade bootstrap (1be9f1b2)
allow an integration to be deleted via the UI (f520520e)
add delete integration which deletes all objects pertaining to an integration that are not referenced by other objects (718f0218)
simplify the logic that determines if the request is for the UI or the API (73ae0fc2)
change pact rendering log message from warn to info (93229103)
upgrade jquery version to 3.3.1 (82b830cf)
- sort items by most recent activity (f6f8fb20)
- add button to delete all pact versions (b5d15d5d)
Bug Fixes​
ensure datetime tests run correctly regardless of timezone (0506be30)
correct logic for filtering ui/api requests (725c6ccb)
ensure that the templating in the webhook body uses the correct base URL for the broker (3d5a5380)
handle deleting integration when consumer and provider are the same pacticipant (f31e8df2)
correct tbody in show-with-tags index page (325a98ed)
delete overwritten pact publications when deleting all pact publications between a consumer and provider (5456eda5)
escape html on index pages (6ee34afe)
sanitize html in matrix (c4d74d87)
sanitize fields when rendering pact html (dca76506)
- Change gitter link to slack. + Minor typo (6b1c7843)
v2.30.0 (2019-03-29)​
add helper text on index page for getting started (cdeb2cd9)
allow rack protection to be turned off so that the headers can be managed in nginx (941371ec)
allow all pacts between a given consumer and provider to be deleted at once (9f1ce9c3)
correctly identify javascript and css content types (6470d199)
add .css and .js file extensions to middleware that sets the accept header (eb1cd323)
add helper text on index page for getting started (222d8965)
allow rack protection to be turned off so that the headers can be managed in nginx (b43e60ee)
allow all pacts between a given consumer and provider to be deleted at once (0c8106b6)
correctly identify javascript and css content types (03e156cb)
add .css and .js file extensions to middleware that sets the accept header (2aa533dc)
add a new webhook event for contract_published (2e2a2034)
v2.29.0 (2019-03-15)​
change webhook execution failure log to info (7238bc49)
remove db/pact_broker_database.sqlite3 so we don't have conflicts in fork (f68fce8b)
change error logs to info logs (700f6992)
lock dry-logic to version that works (28769040)
allow a custom UI to be configured (23695b08)
Bug Fixes​
- gracefully handle race conditions when publishing a new revision of a pact (012c54f0)
v2.28.0 (2019-01-15)​
- enable file list in gemspec to work without git (6dd27e26)
- allow the database connection to be configured for async jobs (6a745d4b)
- add error reference to API error response and ensure potentially sensitive details from the exception message are not exposed (e7bb4a01)
Bug Fixes​
- show consumer/provider/global webhooks in webhook column on index page (35f8bfc1)
v2.27.6 (2018-11-23)​
Bug Fixes​
- URL encode consumer version number in pact URL (b58f4fbf)
v2.27.5 (2018-11-15)​
Bug Fixes​
- handle race conditions when creating a pacticipant on postgres (2c83985f)
- ensure latest version of rack is used to avoid vulnerability CVE-2018-16471 (996953f8)
v2.27.4 (2018-11-15)​
Bug Fixes​
- handle race conditions when creating a pacticipant (b3799670)
- correct order of arguments for merging pacts (f6cfb197)
v2.27.3 (2018-11-01)​
add LogQuietener to example (2f014f07)
Rename database logger delegate to LogQuietener (34f44bcb)
create delegate for database logger to tone down the 'table does not exist' errors that freak people out at startup (573d204b)
- implement structured logging (a9133bd5)
Bug Fixes​
correct foreign key between AllPactPublications and PactVersion (59f76c74)
ensure bundle install for pact_broker:dev:setup uses correct Gemfile (94f3a5f2)
Fix some invalid HTML (0c9a08a8)
- simplify certificate test for latest LibreSSL/OpenSSL libs (cce79390)
v2.27.2 (2018-09-14)​
use application/yaml instead of application/x-yaml to match Swaggerhub (067d6ac7)
treat .yaml requests as having header Accept: application/x-yaml (1c8e199f)
webhook whitelist
- allow hosts to be whitelisted using * domains (150858a1)
Bug Fixes​
- content-type
- convert 404 content-type to application/hal+json #235 (83958db7)
v2.27.0 (2018-09-07)​
- add ${pactbroker.consumerLabels} and ${pactbroker.providerLabels} to webhook templates (afebbc5a)
v2.26.1 (2018-09-07)​
- allow integrations to be exported in dot format (text/vnd.graphviz) (ac609081)
- eager load latest version for /pacticipants resource (9ac2ba9b)
- eager load pacticipant labels for /pacticipants resource (01dd8669)
Bug Fixes​
- gracefully handle and log when version is unresolved (82fe19f1)
gracefully handle attempt to create a duplicate tag (53bea8b4)
correct :false to false in verification decorator to correctly handle read only property providerName (4af4ed1c)
gracefully handle scenario where URL supplied in JSON body is not a String (b0bb6044)
v2.26.0 (2018-08-23)​
- change default value of base_equality_only_on_content_that_affects_verification_results to true (615f0c90)
- renamed 'wip pacts' to 'pending pacts' (11a56b5c)
v2.25.0 (2018-08-09)​
make contract_content_changed tag aware (8e7d0e47)
move "latest id" upsert logic into own class (360d236f)
replace latest_verifications view with latest_verifications_for_provider_versions (ee4fef99)
sort tags in text/plain version of /dashboard (0a821490)
optimise data migrations that set pacticipant ids (9a148b80)
add pact_version_id to latest_pact_publication_ids table (627ce6db)
optimise query for loading latest verification for the latest pacts for each tag on index page (8bc58442)
add consumer_id to pact_publications table (d520e228)
add consumer id and provider id to verifications table to speed up queries (d5698901)
run data migrations on startup to ensure data created by old nodes is migrated when performing a rolling update (ec59ba5b)
move migrations on feature branch to run last (78d31c49)
remove refresh of materialized_matrix and materialized_head_matrix (262af756)
keep track of the latest verification for a pact version for each provider version, rather than calculating it (110495a9)
store latest pact publication ids for each consumer version (d239bfdf)
keep track of latest pact revision in table rather than calculating it (e9cd9e1b)
move pb:wip-provider-pacts to beta:wip-provider-pacts (3008140a)
make feature toggles case insensitive and space aware (f4a03c0c)
add feature toggle via environment variable PACT_BROKER_FEATURES (f0737b97)
keep track of the latest verification for a pact version for each provider version, rather than calculating it (b4f18770)
store latest pact publication ids for each consumer version (c8fa5545)
keep track of latest pact revision in table rather than calculating it (1db5b7ba)
- eager load latest verification for consumer and provider (1bf61afc)
Bug Fixes​
- index page
- correct pact URL when showing index with tags (a5bda98f)
v2.24.0 (2018-07-08)​
- disable wip-provider-pacts in production until the feature is passed alpha testing (3f9a1c7)
- allow HAL docs to specify a context so that two relations with the same name in different resources don't clash (fe85b0b)
- add pb:diff relation to pact resource to view a diff with an arbitrary pact version (3eaa79c)
- add HAL documentation for the relations that were missing documentation (6b04d70)
- add resource for "work in progress" pacts for a provider (50c003b)
- deprecate pacts relation in favour of pb:pacts in latest pacts resource (ccdd46f)
- add bash script to migrate pacts from one broker to another (7d587d9)
v2.23.4 (2018-07-04)​
- deprecate provider relation in provider pacts resource in preference for pb:provider (eda8cbf)
Bug Fixes​
- correct the logic for determining the deployment status in the matrix resource (ad85db4)
- delete associated verification results when a pacticipant version is deleted (ddec810)
v2.23.3 (2018-06-27)​
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require in triggered_webhooks_decorator.rb (c4adeaf)
v2.23.2 (2018-06-25)​
Bug Fixes​
- ensure configured webhook headers are used when making request (50c876f)
v2.23.1 (2018-06-23)​
- respond correctly to OPTIONS requests (c5d3937)
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require to pact_triggered_webhooks (aaf1755)
v2.23.0 (2018-06-20)​
include test webhook request in execution response body (7518098)
use the latest matching pact or verification to test webhook execution, or a placeholder if either is not found (273078b)
add resource to view the triggered webhooks for a verification result (c3e8df0)
add resource to view the triggered webhooks for a pact publication (00f60c1)
allow "global" webhooks (matching all consumers and providers) to be triggered by pact or verification publication (19f7060)
allow webhook with optional consumer and/or provider to be created by posting to /webhooks (b15ba85)
add consumer and provider objects to webhook resource (e60460e)
move $.message to $.error.message in error response body (803c025)
only show backtrace in error response for non production environments (665ac23)
change version ordering to sort by date by default (6552b46)
raise explicit error if a matrix query is done for a version with a tag that does not exist (8f64288)
consumer or provider webhooks
Bug Fixes​
- ensure non utf-8 characters in the webook response do not cause an error in the Pact Broker response body (a5ae5bf)
- update sintra to >= 2.0.2 to fix css vulnerability (3023408)
v2.22.0 (2018-06-11)​
- allow whitelist configurations to be loaded from database (19cb83f)
v2.21.0 (2018-06-10)​
- add ${pactbroker.consumerVersionTags} and ${pactbroker.providerVersionTags} to webhook templates (e5121b1)
- add ${pactbroker.verificationResultUrl} to webhook templates (e19c9c9)
- redact potentially sensitive headers in the webhook resource (619c7e9)
- add ${pactbroker.githubVerificationStatus} to webhook templates (abccf7a)
- add ${pactbroker.providerVersionNumber} to webhook templates (86bc1ec)
Bug Fixes​
- correctly trigger contract_content_changed webhooks when first version of a pact is published (73a06ff)
- correctly handle template parameters in URL when rendering webhook resource (a4b69db)
- correct call to execute webhooks when pact changes (076afe6)
- ensure webhook hosts cannot contain templated parameters (fe05919)
- allow pact broker template parameter in URL (c91d04e)
- correct logic for showing webhook response bodies in logs when a whitelist is configured (db2f9d1)
v2.20.0 (2018-06-03)​
- only log webhook response details when a webhook host whitelist has been configured (3e1c562)
- validate webhook host against configurable list on creation (077e37f)
- validate webhook scheme and http method against configurable lists on creation (d7a2b0a)
- add ${pactbroker.consumerVersionNumber} to webhook templates (d525527)
Bug Fixes​
- correct all content types that were application/json to application/hal+json (690e39b)
v2.19.2 (2018-05-29)​
- load latest verification for consumer/provider via relationship rather than repository (13b7c6e)
- include more columns in latest_verifications_for_consumer_version_tags to avoid having to do extra queries for pact_versions and provider_versions (e366af4)
- optimise queries for index page with tags (524e08d)
- create view for latest verifications for consumer version tags (eb67511)
- log pact content as debug instead of info when publishing (d116157)
- allow pact equality to be based only on the content that affects verification results (bf8130f)
Bug Fixes​
- temporarily redact webhook response body from UI for security purposes (becf20c)
- handle race condition causing unique constraint violation when creating pacticipant versions (6c75ebd)
v2.19.1 (2018-05-18)​
- rename relations in pact diff view (8c3c62e)
Bug Fixes​
- add pact name back into title of deprecated pacts relation of provider pacts resource (f5f002a)
- set correct content type for verification result resources (c177fdd)
v2.19.0 (2018-05-03)​
- create endpoint to compare arbitrary pact versions, ignoring interaction/message order (15f0688)
- add endpoint to retrieve a pact version by its pact content sha (a519731)
- include pact revision number and verification number in badge svg comment (82b59ef)
- add pb:version-tag relation to pacticipant resource (0704772)
- create endpoints for retrieving all pact versions for a provider, with and without a tag. (d7011b2)
- update matrix UI to allow all versions with a particular tag to be specified (278b3ea)
- allow matrix to be queried for all versions with a given tag (cac3023)
Bug Fixes​
- correct logic for finding latest verification for revised pacts (8fb28ee)
- do not invoke error reporters for validation errors (57eed65)
v2.18.0 (2018-04-05)​
- add link to matrix from HTML pact page (f9e3c23)
- sort tags in dashboard API response (d2fd090)
- add rake task to clean unused data to improve performance (fc705a2)
Bug Fixes​
- show JSON view when any error occurs creating the HTML view for a pact. (e4342f0)
- only show verification matrix number when verification is present (766f7c0)
- correctly display interaction with nil description in HTML view (56528d3)
v2.17.1 (2018-03-30)​
Bug Fixes​
- refresh matrix and head_matrix tables (bf36c61)
v2.17.0 (2018-03-30)​
ensure migrations in optimise_head_matrix work on mysql (35874a9)
show verification number in matrix when viewing all results (5693430)
redact auth headers from rack env used to report errors (94f8f13)
add api error reporters (579fa39)
log debug message when loading configuration setting from database (9ffcc1a)
optimise head matrix refresh when adding or deleting tags (263c2a4)
disable sinatra dump_errors (d59c7e5)
send padrino logs to a file in the log dir by default (7408be0)
matrix ui
Bug Fixes​
- ensure publishing a verification does not cause a unique constraint violation (ecfb385)
- optimize matrix query to speed up lengthy pact publication times (e09d528)
- ensure matrix is updated when pacticipant is deleted (6c11cbe)
- delete pacticipant labels before deleting pacticipant (18b9b7e)
v2.16.1 (2018-03-08)​
- turn off sinatra show_exceptions when rack_env is production (e961afe)
- add error testing endpoints (4e01407)
v2.16.0 (2018-03-05)​
upgrade haml to 5.0 (4415686)
upgrade sequel to 5.6 (a37c59a)
abbreviate git shas in index and matrix UIs (9a21e10)
add latest provider version tag names to dashboard UI (de179d7)
created dashboard API (044bab7)
matrix ui
- rename "rows" to "results" (2023265)
- show row count (b50bd9a)
- remove logic for hiding links until I can get it right (107fca2)
- correct logic for hiding pact links (825af6d)
- don't show potentially confusing links for overwritten pact revisions (ed7498a)
- add links to all resources referenced in matrix (2958ae8)
- add tags (869d49d)
dashboard api
- correct latest verification results (d02ea24)
- fix query for displaying dashboard with tags (924aaae)
- optimise dashboard query by creating manual materialized views for the matrix (494f553)
- add plain text content type for easy debugging (317a64d)
- speed up loading of verification tags (a3aea48)
- include verification tags (e8d0fae)
- add pact tags (0c79440)
Bug Fixes​
- correct logic for selecting matrix rows on MySQL (06f6dd4)
- ensure matrix for latest consumer version/provider version shows correct results when a pact is published, published again for the same version with different content, then published again for the same version with the original content. (679eec1)
matrix ui
- fix provider version sorting (611ab7e)
v2.15.0 (2018-02-26)​
upgrade to latest versions of padrino-core and sinatra to fix CVE-2018-7212 (08ba1cb)
- set http options globally (cdf36ba)
- allow single certificates to be uploaded (9417f10)
v2.14.0 (2018-02-15)​
matrix ui
- add home link (3f74e7e)
- add link to show/hide latest tags (412a2d3)
change URL for retrieving latest version so that it does not clash with a version called "latest" (8e45062)
add endpoints to get latest pacticipant version and latest tagged version (aa60a85)
elegantly handle long service names in index. (ad8da50)
Bug Fixes​
return overwritten pact publication as latest if non exists as a latest version when rendering verification (8217209)
#184 Escape username before asigning it to URI userinfo attribute (81bb779)
remove non UTF-8 chars from webhook response bodies before saving the logs to the (UTF-8 encoded) database table (0ee5b0b)
ensure webhook dependencies are saved before executing (9a89d07)
matrix badge
- correct status of pact when consumer and provider version tags are specified (0eb7429)
v2.13.1 (2018-01-12)​
- remove runtime dependency on webrick (1ae7a6e)
v2.13.0 (2018-01-11)​
ensure latest pact version is returned when searching by pact version sha (1d2adc6)
rename 'pact_publication' trigger type to 'publication' (9fe0ff0)
- load webhook certificates from database (c72ab28)
matrix ui
matrix badges
- add badge for provider/tag and consumer/tag (d69c8e6)
verification webhooks
- update hal browser documentation (c2b31b4)
- invoke verification webhooks on publication of verification (04ed1cc)
- alter logic to select only the relevant webhooks when the pact has changed (ec18943)
- default to contract changed event when no events specified, for backwards compatibility (9fe8d47)
- add events to webhooks to allow differentiation between pact and verification webhooks (356c023)
publish test result
- allow json test results to be published with the verification result (528034c)
Bug Fixes​
- create selector objects when viewing matrix URL with consumer and provider (e733bae)
v2.12.0 (2017-11-29)​
- changed date published to time ago in words, with full date as mouseover (#145) (b28f9c3)
Bug Fixes​
- fixed issue that caused uninitialized constant PactBroker::Api::Resources::BaseResource (NameError) when running pact_broker with passenger.. (0b21a62)
v2.10.0 (2017-11-11)​
prod pacts in index
index page
- truncate git shas in table (94da4c7)
v2.9.0 (2017-11-09)​
webhook templating
- add support for ${pactbroker.pactUrl} in query and body (0eed596)
matrix (note that the matrix resource is still in beta, and there may be breaking changes in the future)
- allow query to determine if a particular pacticipant version is compatible with the latest tagged versions of all its dependencies (ba4a1cc)
v2.8.0.beta.5 (2017-11-06)​
- matrix
- fix matrix data types for MySQL (42c5478)
- improve reason when no results are found (473abbe)
- change groupby param to latestby (a6a8ba2)
- ensure correct row is returned when a pact is revised, then verified (7f37644)
- return most recent rows first (cfa2109)
- allow a limit to be specified (2a11334)
- return most recent rows first (e896b7b)
- use views to create matrix query (8488212)
- add matrix view (852324a)
v2.8.0.beta.4 (2017-11-03)​
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require (14d7d02)
v2.7.0.beta.3 (2017-11-01)​
- implement querying by latest without a tag (3d78f79)
- update query to handle tag and latest flag (c5c800f)
- update validation of selectors to allow tag and latest flag to be specified (0fa33f1)
- parse latest=true and tag=TAG in matrix query (abcab9e)
- update validation to allow latest tag to be specified (6da6e02)
- allow version to be specified by latest_tag (fe498a7)
- expose repositoryUrl in resource (8f0f16a)
Bug Fixes​
- correct captialization in require (db2e676)
v2.7.0.beta.2 (2017-10-31)​
- add reason text to summary (f979210)
- add text/plain content type for easier visualisation of matrix resource in terminal (bab7720)
- allow matrix rows to be returned for all versions of a pacticipant (6d37545)
- allow multiple verification statuses to be queried for using status[]= (fba2771)
- allow success param to be specified in query params (2fb5817)
- change query params for matrix to use q[][pacticipant]=? and q[][version]=? (e3913f7)
- return failure and success lines in matrix response, and a summary indicating whether the specified versions are compatible or not (8783ef8)
- add method to find all matrix lines for a list of versions, regardless of verification status (52755fd)
- add pact publication and verification dates to response (f0cc32b)
- add validation errors to matrix resource (7f91710)
- allow matrix columns to be sorted (7d22eb8)
- add simple ui (36f9480)
- add endpoint for consumer/provider verification matrix (6925dcb)
rename 'hal browser' links to 'api browser' (11d3464)
use timestamp migrator during app startup (a87f393)
convert paths ending in .json to Accept: application/hal+json (d81f129)
- cascade UI before diagnostic api and broker api (1b95461)
- create and link provider version resource when verification is published (3014a8b)
Bug Fixes​
- show webhook status as not_run when all triggered webhooks are not_run (2d014b2)
v2.7.0.beta.1 (2017-10-16)​
- prod pacts in index
- show pacts tagged as the 'prod' or 'production' versions on the index page (b58b7a3)
v2.6.0 (2017-10-06)​
- add configuration option for check_for_potential_duplicate_pacticipant_names (6ab3fda)
Bug Fixes​
- add webhook_retry_schedule and semver_formats to list of configuration options that can be saved to the database (5bab062)
- delete related triggered webhooks when webhook is deleted (48f9853)
- use strict mode when using mysql (f991e15)
v2.5.1 (2017-09-26)​
Bug Fixes​
- badges
- do not allow caching (d7e73c3)
v2.5.0 (2017-09-25)​
heartbeat resource
- cache json response body (f2ac0f5)
webhook status
- delete webhook objects related to previous revisions of a pact when deleting a pact publication (a053623)
- delete related triggered webhooks and executions when pact publication is deleted (3dc590c)
- set any triggered webhooks in 'retrying' status to 'failed' on startup (1f2305b)
- migrate webhook execution data to triggered webhooks (9f46d86)
- consider http status < 300 to be a webhook failure (7ef595a)
- log unhandled suckerpunch errors (4cc779d)
- log number of seconds until next webhook attempt in webhook logs (5d16330)
- display attempts made and attempts remaining in webhook status resource (648e1c3)
- move webhook retry schedule to configuration (f2d92f3)
- ensure triggered webhook and webhook execution objects are saved to database even when webhook fails and response code is 500 (88ba2ac)
- redact authorization headers in webhook logs (10efddb)
- implement PUT for webhook resource (7266b1e)
- add endpoint for triggered webhook execution logs (ad81d20)
hal browser
versions resource
- deprecate versions and pacticipant links in favour of pb:versions and pb:pacticipants (94f395e)
- only cache successful badge responses from (e5f08ad)
- use simple in-memory cache for badges (2453c55)
- show message about enabling public badge access when disabled (6fc78ff)
- show badge in HTML pact and display markdown when clicked (e9b632a)
- changed configuration property name from 'enable_badge_resources' to 'enable_public_badge_access' (83540e5)
- improve usage of title and name attributes (915a7ee)
pact resource
- upgrade webmachine to 1.5.0 (d23fedc)
Bug Fixes​
- return correct "latest" verification when a verification has been published for a pact with a revision (f2b4c9f)
- sequel migration 25 for mysql (920c363)
- sequel migration 19 for mysql (0ee48e1)
v2.4.2 (2017-09-07)​
Bug Fixes​
- add missing require (92bf349)
v2.4.1 (2017-09-07)​
Bug Fixes​
- allow resource identifiers to contain escaped forward slashes (d875079)
v2.4.0 (2017-07-31)​
- 3a03f41 - fix(publish verification result): Fix Location header for newly created resource (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 31 10:49:37 2017 +1000)
- 3b0f390 - feat(pacticipant labels): Add HAL link to pacticipants resource to find pacticipants by label. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 24 08:17:36 2017 +1000)
- 588d2ad - fix(pacticipant and pacticipants resources): Add correctly capitalised and namespaced properties and relations. Added deprecation warnings to existing incorrect properties and relations. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 24 08:14:52 2017 +1000)
- ab11f56 - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds embedded label resources to pacticipant resource. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 18:03:15 2017 +1000)
- 57086cf - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds /pacticipants/label/LABEL_NAME resource to retrieve pacticipants by label. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 14:07:08 2017 +1000)
- 4b44331 - feat(pacticipant labels): Adds pacticipant label resource with GET, PUT and DELETE (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 21 13:18:18 2017 +1000)
- c5af7e1 - feat(badges): Allow badge config settings to be saved to/loaded from database (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 14 20:50:02 2017 +1000)
2.3.0 (2017-07-14)​
- 3ac4351 - fix(potential duplicate pacticipant names): Make duplicate logic smarter. Fixes (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 11 10:30:11 2017 +1000)
- 81979b1 - add basic auth example to duplicate pacticipant error/help message (Fitzgerald, Andrew, Mon Jul 10 00:11:25 2017 -0400)
- bc54321 - feat(badges): Add endpoint to retrieve badge for latest untagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 10:15:29 2017 +1000)
- 5a3b149 - feat(badges): Add endpoint to retrieve badge for latest tagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 09:32:24 2017 +1000)
- 78c888b - feat(badges): Use static images when base URL is not configured. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:41:35 2017 +1000)
- b30c368 - feat(badges): Allow base URL to be configured (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:31:47 2017 +1000)
- d8b2cec - feat(badges): Added configuration for turning badge resources on or off (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 7 08:25:48 2017 +1000)
- 2e43b5f - feat(badges): Added read timeout of 1000ms for HTTP call to create badge. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jul 6 07:48:39 2017 +1000)
- 6bdae00 - fix(publish verification): Corrected pact finding params when publishing a verification. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jul 6 07:30:38 2017 +1000)
- 2508eba - feat(badges): Allow pacticipant initials to be used where names are too long for the badge (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 5 14:49:07 2017 +1000)
- f7a36b7 - feat(badges): Return static badge when there is an error creating a dynamic one (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 5 10:14:18 2017 +1000)
- 24860b3 - feat(badges): Add badge svg endpoint for latest pact (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 15:28:28 2017 +1000)
2.2.0 (2017-07-04)​
- 788c5d0 - chore(gems): Lock rack and red-carpet gem versions for hakiri (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:28:15 2017 +1000)
- f1abebe - chore(gems): Upgrade pact gems (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:10:55 2017 +1000)
- 5bccca2 - chore(gems): Upgrade rack-protection and padrino-core gems (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 10:07:58 2017 +1000)
- 5c1392d - chore(build): Add code climate test coverage reporter (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 09:02:09 2017 +1000)
- 6e73420 - chore(build): Add bundle-audit to build (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 4 08:09:49 2017 +1000)
- de9f493 - fix(pact versions decorator): Corrected use of title and name (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 19:45:28 2017 +1000)
- 90d4410 - feat(HTML pact): Add home link to HTML pact (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:57:57 2017 +1000)
- 4eb2095 - feat(HTML pact): Add tag names next to consumer version number (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:56:56 2017 +1000)
- 1f66b6d - feat(version): Add HAL links to pacts from version resource (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:34:34 2017 +1000)
- 3f61fb3 - feat(retrieve latest pact): Add HAL links for latest-untagged and latest/{tag} (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 16:17:54 2017 +1000)
2.1.1 (2017-07-03)​
- f7af21a - fix(gemspec) (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 09:53:02 2017 +1000)
2.1.0 (2017-07-03)​
- 53f0b5e - feat(get latest untagged pact): Add /latest-untagged endpoint to return the latest untagged pact (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jul 3 08:31:18 2017 +1000)
- a963fce - Add pact_broker:db:version task. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Jun 29 20:29:55 2017 +1000)
- 7ee134f - Add basic auth (authentication) to the UI, but no authorization (Beth Skurrie, Mon Jun 26 10:44:07 2017 +1000)
2.0.5 (2017-06-15)​
- e924c96 - Fixed webhook deletion bug (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jun 13 10:04:33 2017 +1000)
2.0.4 (2017-06-02)​
- 99e1c25 - Turn off http_origin checking for (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jun 2 16:27:38 2017 +1000)
- e58f609 - Add favicon.ico (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 29 15:02:22 2017 +1000)
- 2780f0a - Add pull request guidelines. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 29 11:45:04 2017 +1000)
2.0.3 (2017-05-17)​
- c03b871 - Make specs pass for sqlite, postgres and mysql. At the same time. Amazing. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 28 10:22:20 2017 +1000)
- ae2b62f - Remove inner query from latest_verifications definition for MySQL (#105) (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 15:11:26 2017 +1000)
- f451d35 - Add mysql build to travis for #106 (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 15:09:42 2017 +1000)
- 91178c2 - Altering config and travis to run against sqlite and postgres. (Beth Skurrie, Sat May 27 14:08:34 2017 +1000)
- 4c52061 - Use a simpler and more efficient algorithm for updating version orders. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 22 13:29:07 2017 +1000)
- ba5b60c - Created indexes on pacticipant, version and tag tables. #87 (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 21 16:18:49 2017 +1000)
- 0ffad10 - Do not validate incoming consumer version number if order_versions_by_date is true. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 21 15:46:54 2017 +1000)
2.0.2 (2017-05-17)​
- 0e4d4bf - Add missing require for migration_helper (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 14:16:38 2017 +1000)
2.0.1 (2017-05-17)​
- 8d105aa - Allow an application version to be deleted via the API. (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 10:39:16 2017 +1000)
- 025b0f7 - Ensure version numbers that don't conform to the semver2 spec don't cause errors when sorting versions. #103 (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 19 09:58:50 2017 +1000)
- ca6d88e - Corrected hal link rels that had missing curies (prepended "pb:") (Beth Skurrie, Thu May 18 10:20:06 2017 +1000)
- 1cabd5e - Use Rack::Protection. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 16 10:13:40 2017 +1000)
- 2a3bbd1 - Return 404 instead of 500 when Ruby standard URI lib can't parse the URI. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 16 09:45:37 2017 +1000)
2.0.0 (2017-05-16)​
2.0.0.beta.8 (2017-05-15)​
- e931b48 - Enable configuration settings to be saved to and loaded from the database. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 15 12:34:44 2017 +1000)
- c3976e4 - Set timezones so dates in the UI and API are shown in the configured local time. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 15 08:53:13 2017 +1000)
- 4da62e8 - Add publication date of latest pact to UI front page. (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 14 08:38:42 2017 +1000)
- 8633b08 - Set X-Pact-Broker-Version header in all responses (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 12 16:39:09 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.7 (2017-05-12)​
- 741bf96 - Include information about missing verifications in the latest verifications resource. Only set success to be true when all pacts have been successfully verified. (Beth Skurrie, Fri May 12 14:59:48 2017 +1000)
- 64f20c6 - Allow one, two or three "parts" in the application version number. Eg. 12, 3.4 and 1.2.400 are all valid. (Beth Skurrie, Wed May 10 16:19:07 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.6 (2017-05-09)​
- 8f1c911 - Ensure all resources provide application/hal+json. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 18:32:37 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.5 (2017-05-08)​
- 4b88c4d - Add success flag to the resource for the latest verifications for a consumer version to indicate the overall success or failure of the verification results for that version. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 8 10:54:31 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.4 (2017-05-02)​
- e5c14d1 - Renamed verification to verification-result in link relations and URLs (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 2 13:04:01 2017 +1000)
- 803ea44 - Add endpoint to show a verification. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 1 08:52:12 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.3 (2017-04-29)​
- 7059a7e - Insert pact_publications without a specified ID so that the inbuilt sequence is kept in sync. (Beth Skurrie, Sat Apr 29 15:16:12 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.2 (2017-04-29)​
- 1dfef17 - Cleaned up migrations and ensured migrations run on postgresql. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 21:24:20 2017 +1000)
2.0.0.beta.1 (2017-04-28)​
- 049bc5c - Added tooltip to verification date to show provider version. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 10:05:13 2017 +1000)
- 4287c99 - Add tooltip text to last verified date when pact has changed since last verification. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 28 09:02:59 2017 +1000)
- 7351ec8 - Add restrictions for all gem versions in gemspec. Fix formatting in haml file. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Apr 27 19:55:04 2017 +1000)
- a836b56 - Add last verified date for each pact to landing page of application UI. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 25 17:03:06 2017 +1000)
- c7589c9 - Use latest ruby-2.3.4 for development. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:05:27 2017 +1000)
- 46b87f9 - Use latest ruby patches for CI. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:00:12 2017 +1000)
- 7c17c62 - Required at least ruby-2.2.0 as we move along ruby release schedule. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 22:54:52 2017 +1000)
- 66a2f3b - Added pb:publish-verification HAL link to pact resource. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 21 16:09:55 2017 +1000)
- f2110ac - Replacing versionomy with semver2 for parsing version numbers according to semver 2.0.0 ( (Danilo Sato, Thu Apr 20 11:48:49 2017 -0400)
- 1f6045a - Added with information about the tables and views. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 18 11:35:39 2017 +1000)
- 77eaf7b - Added pb:latest-verifications link to version resource. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 11 16:25:45 2017 +1000)
- aaf44d9 - Added endpoint to view the latest verifications for a given consumer version. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 11 11:16:03 2017 +1000)
1.18.0 (2017-05-09)​
- 397060b - Display application versions in reverse order in the Versions resource. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 13:59:54 2017 +1000)
- 251c878 - Allow application versions to be ordered by creation date where no consistent orderable object can be extracted from the consumer application version. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 9 13:22:36 2017 +1000)
- 68bb6d9 - Execute webhooks using sucker punch. (Beth Skurrie, Mon May 8 10:32:45 2017 +1000)
1.17.2 (2017-05-04)​
- b8f45e1 - fix issue with pact document link not displaying #94 (Matt Fellows, Wed May 3 11:23:09 2017 +1000)
1.17.1 (2017-05-02)​
- 7576bc2 - Fix 500 error in webhooks endpoint. (Beth Skurrie, Tue May 2 14:35:06 2017 +1000)
- 7351ec8 - Add restrictions for all gem versions in gemspec. Fix formatting in haml file. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Apr 27 19:55:04 2017 +1000)
1.17.0 (2017-04-26)​
- 5cbb9da - Added pb:publish-pact to HAL index (Beth Skurrie, Wed Apr 26 08:39:15 2017 +1000)
- 36842d1 - Set database connection timezone to UTC in example (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 25 16:18:58 2017 +1000)
- c7589c9 - Use latest ruby-2.3.4 for development. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:05:27 2017 +1000)
- 46b87f9 - Use latest ruby patches for CI. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 23:00:12 2017 +1000)
- 7c17c62 - Required at least ruby-2.2.0 as we move along ruby release schedule. (Tan Le, Mon Apr 24 22:54:52 2017 +1000)
1.16.0 (2017-04-10)​
- 990575f - Added HTML content type for request to get a specific version of a pact. As per request in (Beth Skurrie, Mon Apr 10 15:34:28 2017 +1000)
- b47b8d8 - Use /versions rather than /version in test endpoint. Singular will be deprecated. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Apr 7 16:03:19 2017 +1000)
- dd4daee - Removed version restriction for pact_broker gem in the example Gemfile. This will avoid a repetition of the twisted dependencies fixed by (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 4 09:53:39 2017 +1000)
- e447b3f - Updated sqlite database. (Beth Skurrie, Mon Apr 3 08:25:41 2017 +1000)
- 149efc0 - Update REAME to reflect 2.4 support. (Tan Le, Fri Mar 31 21:42:47 2017 +1100)
1.15.0 (2017-03-28)​
- 588c33e - Adds versions decorator spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Wed Feb 22 00:00:46 2017 -0500)
- c4a7daf - Adds pacticipant versions endpoint (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Feb 21 21:15:39 2017 -0500)
- 06bcbc8 - Added ruby 2.4.0 to travis.yml (Beth Skurrie, Tue Mar 28 19:09:06 2017 +1100)
- 6d7653b - Bump pact_broker version to 1.14.0 to resolve twisted dependencies. (Tan Le, Mon Mar 27 22:36:22 2017 +1100)
- c8eeab4 - Remove trailblazer dependency. (Tan Le, Mon Mar 27 21:56:43 2017 +1100)
- e62c5ec - Added copyright year and owner. (Beth Skurrie, Fri Mar 24 10:39:39 2017 +1100)
- 5007f5b - Bump trailblazer version due to roar compatibility. (Tan Le, Mon Feb 20 10:22:41 2017 +1100)
- 4865948 - Bump reform and friends versions. (Tan Le, Wed Feb 15 09:16:29 2017 +1100)
- 0920e45 - Add hosted pact broker to usage section in README (Matt Fellows, Sat Feb 4 11:28:36 2017 +1100)
1.14.0 (2017-01-30)​
- 83ac7a5 - Adds ability to delete tags (Ivan Vojinovic, Fri Jan 27 15:19:51 2017 -0500)
1.13.0 (2017-01-18)​
- b9b67b3 - Adds the spec for pact versions endpoint, and corrects the file name for the provider pacts spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Jan 17 23:43:03 2017 -0500)
- ace427e - Adds the spec for pact versions endpoint, and corrects the file name for the provider pacts spec (Ivan Vojinovic, Tue Jan 17 23:36:33 2017 -0500)
- 8b14b35 - Adds endpoint for (and fixes) pact_versions (Ivan Vojinovic, Mon Jan 16 21:12:02 2017 -0500)
1.12.0 (2016-12-09)​
- 67779ac - add pb:latest-provider-pacts-with-tag to index.rb (Olga Vasylchenko, Thu Dec 8 16:02:19 2016 +0100)
- cdfa17b - upgrade default sqlite db to current migration level (Bo Daley, Wed Nov 30 14:37:54 2016 -0500)
1.11.2 (2016-11-25)​
- 43f2373 - Added require to hopefully fix broken build. (Bethany Skurrie, Thu Nov 24 07:47:07 2016 +1100)
- f747e09 - Removed ruby 2.1 build as it is failing (Beth Skurrie, Wed Nov 9 13:42:08 2016 +1100)
- 2dd77a5 - Added extra pact version to example database so that the diff feature could be explored. (Beth, Wed Nov 9 10:07:33 2016 +1100)
- 5c04c59 - Updated trailblazer gem to ~>0.3.0 and fixed pact diff spec. (Beth, Wed Nov 9 10:05:53 2016 +1100)
- 8102ac9 - Use respond_to?(:acts_like_time?) instead of acts_like?(:time) as it blows up (Beth, Sun Nov 6 12:00:30 2016 +1100)
1.11.1 (2016-10-13)​
- 14381ac - Fix issue #59 Error when executing web hook with body. (Beth Skurrie, Thu Oct 13 12:50:17 2016 +1100)
1.11.0 (2016-08-13)​
- 18ffc4a - Add conflict guards to pact merger (Steve Pletcher, Fri Aug 5 12:31:30 2016 -0400)
1.10.0 (2016-08-01)​
- efdde13 - Add ability to merge pacts via PATCH requests (Steve Pletcher, Thu Jul 28 16:29:22 2016 -0400)
1.9.3 (2016-06-27)​
- f57db36 - Clarify that pact_broker will only work with ruby >= 2.0 (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:06:40 2016 +1000)
- a1742b8 - Correct release instructions (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:03:03 2016 +1000)
- 7d0f362 - Update default dev ruby version to 2.3.1 (Sergei Matheson, Mon Jun 27 11:00:40 2016 +1000)
- 42dc7fe - Update to ruby 2.3.1 in travis (Sergei Matheson, Tue May 3 10:46:46 2016 +1000)
- df9a910 - Fix for Webmock 2.0.0 behaviour change. (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 13:19:57 2016 +1000)
1.9.2 (2016-04-29)​
- 6d4ce4f - Update default dev ruby version to 2.3.0 (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 11:39:59 2016 +1000)
- 039fce9 - Add release instructions (Sergei Matheson, Fri Apr 29 10:42:17 2016 +1000)
- d48a1fa - Append
in json error response (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:11:59 2016 +0900) - 7f34940 - Remove unused variable (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 21:06:23 2016 +0900)
- e932c28 - Append
header (Taiki Ono, Tue Mar 15 17:54:48 2016 +0900) - 6252c1c - Does not change YAML::ENGINE.yamler (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 22:03:41 2016 +0900)
- 9f02474 - Update Travis CI setting with new Rubies (Taiki Ono, Sun Mar 13 21:19:17 2016 +0900)
- 5a506dc - Belatedly, updated changelog (Sergei Matheson, Fri Feb 26 09:30:46 2016 +1100)
1.9.1 (2016-02-26)​
- e6e6d49 - Release version 1.9.1 (Sergei Matheson, Fri Feb 26 09:26:52 2016 +1100)
- 5ea7607 - Merge pull request #44 from sigerber/master (Beth Skurrie, Thu Feb 25 14:39:17 2016 +1100)
- ade2599 - Fix performance of groupify (Horia Musat and Simon Gerber, Wed Feb 24 14:50:39 2016 +1100)
- 38869ad - Return a 409 when there is a potential duplicate pacticipant name when publishing a pact. (Beth, Thu Nov 5 17:43:32 2015 +1100)
- 2991441 - Merge pull request #42 from bethesque/issue-41 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Oct 23 15:52:39 2015 +1100)
- 933981c - Now supports HTTPS webhooks (Warner Godfrey, Fri Oct 23 14:48:28 2015 +1100)
- 2123ff1 - Merge pull request #40 from elgalu/travis-badge (Beth Skurrie, Thu Oct 15 06:40:09 2015 +1100)
- 88cea3f - Add TravisCI badge in (Leo Gallucci, Wed Oct 14 17:02:52 2015 +0200)
- b54c5c6 - Merge pull request #38 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge (Beth Skurrie, Tue Sep 29 15:37:27 2015 +1000)
- 42e9bc2 - Add Gitter badge (The Gitter Badger, Tue Sep 29 04:51:17 2015 +0000)
- 711ac85 - Merge pull request #37 from elgalu/ruby-2.1.3 (Beth Skurrie, Fri Sep 18 06:42:47 2015 +1000)
- 40ddb97 - Add ruby 2.1.3 and set as default (Leo Gallucci, Thu Sep 17 16:19:09 2015 +0200)
- a1fa248 - Updated example with postgres details (Beth, Thu Sep 17 09:25:09 2015 +1000)
- 383d137 - Create LICENSE.txt (Beth Skurrie, Mon Aug 24 06:29:50 2015 +1000)
1.9.0 (2015-08-19)​
- eda171e - Allow pact broker API to be run using Rack map at an arbitrary path. e.g. "/foo/pacts". Note, this does not work for the UI. (Beth, Wed Aug 19 08:44:21 2015 +1000)
1.9.0.rc1 (2015-07-19)​
- c855a2c - Support case insensitive resource names (Beth Skurrie, Sun Jul 19 17:28:55 2015 +1000)
- 7ea3e61 - Update pact_broker.gemspec (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jul 14 09:02:30 2015 +1000)
- f299cfd - Added logging for publishing and deleting pacts (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 8 16:00:58 2015 +1000)
- 67f0edb - Log error when contract cannot be parsed to a Pact (Beth Skurrie, Wed Jul 8 15:54:29 2015 +1000)
- 57caf63 - Double ensure that tables are created with UTF-8 encoding (Beth Skurrie, Fri Jul 3 15:46:46 2015 +1000)
1.8.1 (2015-06-30)​
- d0d466d - Avoid making a query for tags for each pact shown on the Pacts page (Beth Skurrie, Tue Jun 30 06:42:09 2015 +1000)
1.8.0 (2015-05-28)​
- 6c40e9c - Added ability to specify a tag when retrieving pacts for a given provider (Beth Skurrie, Thu May 28 09:03:46 2015 +1000)
- dda9f1d - Added endpoint to retrieve latest pacts by provider (Beth Skurrie, Sun May 10 21:28:33 2015 +1000)
- 21e676a - Pact broker example for heroku with basic auth (BrunoChauvet, Sat Apr 25 13:04:54 2015 +1000)
1.7.0 (2015-03-20)​
- a26402c - Allow configuration of version parsing. (Beth Skurrie, Tue Apr 14 09:39:05 2015 +1000)
1.6.0 (2015-03-20)​
- e20e657 - Added support for JSON contracts that are not in the Pact format (e.g. top level is an array) (Beth Skurrie, Fri Mar 20 19:12:46 2015 +1100)
1.5.0 (2015-02-20)​
- b848ce3 - Added healthcheck endpoint for database dependency. /diagnostic/status/dependencies (Beth, Fri Feb 20 09:41:16 2015 +1100)
- 56ea4a6 - Added heartbeat endpoint for monitoring. /diagnostic/status/heartbeat (Beth, Fri Feb 20 08:49:51 2015 +1100)
- dbdb4fb - Upgraded webmachine gem to 1.3.1 (Beth, Wed Feb 11 21:49:55 2015 +1100)
- 111f088 - Added validation to ensure that the encoding for the database connection is set to UTF8. This is required to ensure the pact_version_content_sha foreign key works. (Beth, Wed Feb 11 20:03:34 2015 +1100)
1.4.0 (2015-01-20)​
- d740fb0 - Removed pact-versions rel from pact resource. Pact versions resource is not implemented yet. (Beth, Tue Jan 20 09:20:52 2015 +1100)
- bd6e63e - Handle case where there is no previous distinct version when displaying diff (Beth, Tue Jan 20 09:17:21 2015 +1100)
- d032ce1 - Changed pact icon on Pacts page to look more like a pact. (Beth, Wed Dec 24 09:58:35 2014 +1100)
- dbf67aa - Added endpoint for previous distinct pact version. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 14:08:07 2014 +1100)
- bde72f9 - Added migration to change pacts table to UTF8 (Beth, Mon Dec 22 11:45:09 2014 +1100)
- 8f587b7 - Modified pact HAL rels. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 11:41:10 2014 +1100)
- b813c0d - Renamed Relationships to Pacts. It was confusing. (Beth, Mon Dec 22 10:25:27 2014 +1100)
- 00d81aa - Changed diff resource to text/plain, added dates (Beth, Sun Dec 14 17:05:18 2014 +1100)
- 8f05772 - Set timezone to utc for test db connection (Beth, Sun Dec 14 17:04:16 2014 +1100)
- 407fa74 - Added link from HAL browser to home (Beth, Sat Dec 13 19:54:53 2014 +1100)
- a62faa9 - Adding missing docs (Beth, Sat Dec 13 19:51:36 2014 +1100)
- ec04e77 - Added HAL link to diff with previous distinct version (Beth, Fri Dec 12 08:31:12 2014 +1100)
- fe5f1d6 - Added endpoint to see the diff between a pact and the previous distinct version. (Beth, Thu Dec 11 17:35:22 2014 +1100)
- f802641 - Added version endpoint. (Beth, Wed Dec 10 13:06:13 2014 +1100)
- 715f49d - Force documentation window in HAL browser to be longer. This used to display correctly, but has somehow become quite short. Don't know what changed. (Beth, Tue Dec 9 18:47:53 2014 +1100)
- 25e612b - Removed curie from self links (Beth, Wed Dec 3 21:14:23 2014 +1100)
- 5cc922e - Added script to publish test pact. (Beth, Wed Dec 3 20:26:31 2014 +1100)
- f468b2c - Changed Padrino to log to stdout. :null creates a StringIO, don't want to hog memory. (Beth, Wed Dec 3 20:25:05 2014 +1100)
1.3.2.rc1 (2014-12-03)​
- a2413f4 - Stop Padrino trying to create a log file in the gem directory (Beth, Wed Dec 3 13:16:06 2014 +1100)
- abf9459 - Added DELETE endpoint for pact resource (Beth, Wed Nov 19 17:45:34 2014 +1100)
- 1d01937 - Set default encoding to utf-8 in example app. This is required for the sha foreign key to work between the pact table and the pact_version_content table. (Beth, Tue Nov 18 22:35:51 2014 +1100)
- 9e3401e - Save all the space! Reuse the same pact_version_content when one with the same sha1 already exists in the database. (Beth, Tue Nov 18 20:27:59 2014 +1100)
- 84ab8ad - Creating example pact_broker_database.sqlite3 with the Zoo App/Animal Service pact (Beth, Tue Nov 18 17:30:25 2014 +1100)
- d767b0d - Fixed query for all pacts when pact has more than one tag (Beth, Mon Nov 17 20:44:01 2014 +1100)
- 21563c6 - Changed date to use day name and month name instead of numbers (Beth, Wed Nov 12 16:19:19 2014 +1100)
- 7766b77 - Added count to relationships page. (Beth, Mon Nov 3 11:06:05 2014 +1100)
1.3.1 (2014-10-23)​
- e61b40e - Added Travis configuration. (Beth, Fri Oct 17 16:32:26 2014 +1100)
- b320fe4 - Fixed pact publish validation for ruby 1.9.3 (Beth, Fri Oct 17 16:31:41 2014 +1100)
- b9b4d2b - Added validation to ensure that the participant names in the path match the participant names in the pact. (Beth, Thu Oct 16 20:21:10 2014 +1100)
1.3.0 (2014-10-14)​
- ed08811 - Converted raw SQL create view statements to Sequel so they will run on Postgres (Beth, Sat Oct 11 22:07:37 2014 +1100)
- 457edf4 - Added syntax highlighting to JSON in autogenerated HTML docs. (Beth, Wed Sep 24 22:12:14 2014 +1000)
1.2.0 (2014-09-22)​
- 0ccde50 - Made webhook creation code more Webmachiney. (Beth, Tue Sep 16 10:07:56 2014 +1000)
- 4c628e5 - Using localtime to display dates. (Beth, Fri Aug 29 13:32:20 2014 +1000)
- 7d99c51 - Fixed HAL Browser link - page title was stopping it being clickable (Beth, Fri Sep 5 16:41:03 2014 +1000)
- 8ba3be0 - Updating spec task for latest rspec (Beth, Fri Sep 5 16:40:10 2014 +1000)
- fcc25eb - Updated pact gem (Beth, Tue Aug 26 18:45:31 2014 +1000)
- 5d0d3dc - Added pact versions link to the pact response (Beth, Tue Aug 26 07:54:26 2014 +1000)
- 16971ff - Added method to find distinct pacts between a consumer and provider (Beth, Tue Aug 26 07:41:54 2014 +1000)
- 4798c09 - Added pact versions endpoint. (Beth, Mon Aug 25 22:23:48 2014 +1000)
- e1f8c97 - Changed 'Date published' to display pact.updated_at date instead of created_at date (Beth, Mon Aug 25 07:37:58 20
- 39eac31 - Fixed pact-webhooks rel title (Beth, Sun Aug 24 17:54:05 2014 +1000)
- f6fc9f7 - Added latest-pact rel to pact representation (Beth, Sun Aug 24 17:51:08 2014 +1000)
- 08b088c - Added method to pacticipant_service to find potentially duplicated pacticipants (Beth, Sat Aug 23 08:32:34 2014 +
- 24e8d5d - Adding support for creating a pacticipant through the API (as distinct from it being auto created by publishing a
- dc4d4aa - Set DB timezone to UTC. (Beth, Thu Aug 21 17:30:41 2014 +1000)
- 19693fa - Added pact metadata to HTML view (Beth, Thu Aug 21 17:30:23 2014 +1000)
1.1.0 (2014-08-21)​
- d25395b - Fixed pacts failing to publish because of too deeply nested JSON (Beth, Tue Aug 19 11:13:02 2014 +1000)
- 9288c98 - Saving password in Base64 just so it is not plain text. WIP (Beth, Tue Aug 19 09:14:53 2014 +1000)
- 6a40151 - Added username and password to webhook request (Beth, Mon Aug 18 22:02:48 2014 +1000)
- 6eb0d70 - Added mouseover for relationship paths (Beth, Fri Aug 15 15:38:56 2014 +1000)
- 8e916fc - Added clickable relationship links (Beth, Fri Aug 15 11:37:57 2014 +1000)
- 7fc6418 - Added webhook HAL documentation. (Beth, Tue Aug 12 17:17:08 2014 +1000)
- 434fbe8 - Added useful rels to help navigate between webhook resources. (Beth, Tue Aug 12 09:14:08 2014 +1000)
- 959675b - Adding description to webhooks link (Beth, Mon Aug 11 21:46:39 2014 +1000)
- 9cbf2b1 - Added webhook test execution endpoint. (Beth, Mon Aug 11 21:37:47 2014 +1000)
- 6bdfd16 - Webhooks belonging to a pacticipant will be deleted when the pacticipant is deleted. (Beth, Mon Aug 11 14:16:50 2014 +1000)
- 27572e2 - WIP - ensuring webhook executes when a pact version is overridden and changed. (Beth, Fri Aug 8 16:59:48 2014 +1000)
- 2469ad5 - Adding webhook DELETE (Beth, Fri Aug 8 16:45:48 2014 +1000)
- 7ae9b59 - Adding code to execte webhook and to detect when pact content has changed (Beth, Fri Aug 8 10:13:16 2014 +1000)
- c8289fb - Adding /webhooks resource (Beth, Thu Aug 7 16:57:27 2014 +1000)
- 2d818ee - Added endpoint to retrieve webhook by UUID (Beth, Thu Aug 7 14:35:04 2014 +1000)
- 25c3866 - Completed web hooks resource. (Beth, Wed Aug 6 11:38:39 2014 +1000)
- a59e46e - Started work on webhooks (Beth, Sat Aug 2 18:12:16 2014 +1000)
- 56d9ae5 - Return 400 error for pacts with invalid JSON (Beth, Sat Aug 2 07:08:39 2014 +1000)
- 884aa06 - Added links from relationship page to group. (Beth, Thu Jul 31 20:05:55 2014 +1000)
- 642570e - Adding group UI endpoint. (Beth, Thu Jul 31 17:36:37 2014 +1000)
- 3609028 - Adding a group resource (Beth, Mon Jul 28 09:11:46 2014 +1000)
- 437df9e - Added created_at and updated_at timestamps to all objects. (Beth, Fri Jul 25 16:53:46 2014 +1000)
- 594f160 - Turning exception showing on (Beth, Fri Jul 25 08:59:57 2014 +1000)
- 7250a51 - Updated to pact 1.3.0 (Beth, Thu Jul 24 12:13:38 2014 +1000)
- 9824247 - Implemented DELETE for pacticipant resource (Beth, Tue Jun 10 17:32:26 2014 +1000)
- 1c65600 - Swapped links and properties order in the HAL browser, because the documents are large, and scrolling to the bottom of the page to click around is annoying. (Beth, Fri Jun 6 10:19:47 2014 +1000)
1.0.0 (2014-06-06)​
- ed25adb - Sorting relationships by consumer name, then provider name. (Beth, Wed May 21 15:13:39 2014 +1000)
- 7aae530 - Releasing version 1.0.0.alpha3 (Beth, Mon May 19 15:44:33 2014 +1000)
- 53e24cb - Increased json_content size from text to mediumtext (16MB) (Beth, Mon May 19 15:43:32 2014 +1000)
- 1f65546 - Releasing 1.0.0.alpha2 (Beth, Mon May 19 12:49:42 2014 +1000)
- 3714ab5 - Adding network graph spike files (Beth, Sat May 17 21:12:04 2014 +1000)
- 73e2b81 - Implemented finding latest pact by tag (Beth, Sat May 17 17:56:58 2014 +1000)
- bfa62cc - Changed /pact to /pacts because it is more RESTy (Beth, Sat May 17 12:22:55 2014 +1000)
- 91c8fab - Releasing 1.0.0.alpha1 (Beth, Fri May 9 15:21:13 2014 +1000)
- f497f13 - Made HtmlPactRenderer configurable in case shokkenki want to use the PactBroker ;) (Beth, Fri May 9 14:20:38 2014 +1000)
- 5343019 - Added Relationship UI (Beth, Fri May 9 12:23:30 2014 +1000)
- f7270a6 - Added HTML rendering of latest pact. Added /relationships CSV endpoint. (Beth, Thu May 8 16:17:52 2014 +1000)
- 264e16b - Created nice interface for making a pact_broker instance (Beth, Sat Apr 26 16:43:07 2014 +1000)
- 8001792 - Added HAL browser (Beth, Wed Apr 23 13:31:25 2014 +1000)
- 8c94d1f - Creating example app (Beth, Wed Apr 23 13:06:40 2014 +1000)
0.0.10 (2014-06-06)​
- 24daeea - Added task to delete pacticipant (bethesque Tue May 20 11:59:10 2014 +1000)
- 53e24cb - Increased json_content size from text to mediumtext (16MB) (bethesque Mon May 19 15:43:32 2014 +1000)
- 73e2b81 - Implemented finding latest pact by tag (bethesque Sat May 17 17:56:58 2014 +1000)
- bfa62cc - Changed /pact to /pacts because it is more RESTy (bethesque Sat May 17 12:22:55 2014 +1000)
- a7a8e0d - Upgraded padrino (bethesque Sat May 17 12:20:57 2014 +1000)
- 94c7c38 - Setting gem versions in gemspec (bethesque Fri May 9 15:22:37 2014 +1000)
- f497f13 - Made HtmlPactRenderer configurable in case shokkenki want to use the PactBroker ;) (bethesque Fri May 9 14:20:38 2014 +1000)
- 1d35da4 - Added sort to relationships list (bethesque Fri May 9 13:56:55 2014 +1000)
- 000f8a6 - Added HAL Browser link (bethesque Fri May 9 13:39:56 2014 +1000)
- 85e0a1d - Redirecting index to relationships page (bethesque Fri May 9 13:15:55 2014 +1000)
- 5343019 - Added Relationship UI (bethesque Fri May 9 12:23:30 2014 +1000)
- f7270a6 - Added HTML rendering of latest pact. (bethesque Thu May 8 16:17:52 2014 +1000)
0.0.10 (2014-03-24)​
- 7aee2ae - Implemented version tagging (bethesque 2 days ago)
- cc78f92 - Added 'latest' pact url to pact representation in the 'latest pacts' response (bethesque 2 days ago)
0.0.9 (2014-02-27)​
- d07f4b7 - Using default gem publish tasks (bethesque 4 weeks ago)
- d60b7ee - Comment (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
- 836347c - Using local pacts (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
- a2cb2bb - Fixed bug querying mysql DB, rather than sqlite (bethesque 7 weeks ago)
- 9d5f83b - Using the to_json options to pass in the base_url instead of the nasty hack. (bethesque 4 months ago)
- adb6148 - Changed 'last' to 'latest' (bethesque 4 months ago)
0.0.8 (2013-11-18)​
- 6022baa - Changed name to title in list pacticipants response (bethesque 7 hours ago)
- 13fde52 - Moving resources module under the Api module. (bethesque 8 hours ago)
- f52c572 - Added HAL index (bethesque 8 hours ago)
0.0.7 (2013-11-15)​
- 7984d86 - Added title to each item in the pacts/latest links array (bethesque 83 seconds ago)
0.0.6 (2013-11-15)​
- 021faae - Refactoring resources to DRY out code (bethesque 18 hours ago)
- bab0367 - Cleaning up the base_url setting hack. (bethesque 19 hours ago)
- f6df613 - Renamed representors to decorators (bethesque 19 hours ago)
- 3e89c20 - Created BaseDecorator (bethesque 19 hours ago)
- e5c3f88 - Changing from representors to decorators (bethesque 19 hours ago)
- b2eeb6f - Added back resource_exists? implementation in pacticipant resource - accidental deletion. (bethesque 19 hours ago)
- 1962a05 - Ever so slightly less hacky way of handling PATCH (bethesque 21 hours ago)
- 587e9c1 - First go at trying to use a dynamic base URL - to be continued (bethesque 2 days ago)
- ab9c185 - Including URLs for the dynamically calculated latest pact, not the hard link to the latest pact. (bethesque 2 days ago)
- 5621e41 - Beginning change from Roar Representor to Decoractor. Updating to new 'latest pact' URL (bethesque 2 days ago)
- d1bd995 - Adding missing PactBroker::Logging require (bethesque 2 days ago)
0.0.5 (2013-11-13)​
- 2cf987c - Added data migration to script which adds order column (bethesque 56 minutes ago)
- 9c709a9 - Changing queries to use new order column. (bethesque 61 minutes ago)
- 173f231 - Renaming var (bethesque 65 minutes ago)
- f9be93d - Renamed SortVersions to OrderVersions (bethesque 66 minutes ago)
- ca6e479 - Added SortVersions as an after version save hook (bethesque 69 minutes ago)
- 23cd1a3 - Adding order column to version table (bethesque 11 hours ago)
- c504e5f - Fixing application/json+hal to application/hal+json (bethesque 2 days ago)
- 1d24b9b - Removing old sinatra API (bethesque 2 days ago)
- fd1832c - WIP. Converting to use Webmachine (bethesque 2 days ago)
- 0b096a4 - Redoing the the URLs yet again (bethesque 3 days ago)
- 0934d89 - Implementing list latest pacts (bethesque 3 days ago)
- ed2d354 - Changed one_to_one associations to many_to_one (bethesque 4 days ago)
- 28de0ea - WIP implementing pacts/latest. (bethesque 6 days ago)
- 1cd36e6 - Changing to new /pacts/latest URL format (bethesque 6 days ago)
- 54f8fc3 - Writing underlying code to find the latest pact for each consumer/provider pair. (bethesque 6 days ago)