2021-04-09 09:02
@tjones solution worked for me though
```? pact-workshop-js git:(master) npx -p @pact-foundation/pact-node pact-broker
pact-broker can-i-deploy -a, --pacticipant=PACTICIPANT -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL #
pact-broker create-or-update-pacticipant --name=NAME -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Create or update pacticipant by name
pact-broker create-or-update-webhook URL --uuid=UUID -X, --request=METHOD -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Creates or updates a webhook with a provided uui...
pact-broker create-version-tag -a, --pacticipant=PACTICIPANT -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL -e, --version=VERSION # Add a tag to a pacticipant version
pact-broker create-webhook URL -X, --request=METHOD -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Creates a webhook using the same switches as a c...
pact-broker describe-version -a, --pacticipant=PACTICIPANT -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Describes a pacticipant version. If no version o...
pact-broker generate-uuid # Generate a UUID for use when calling create-or-u...
pact-broker help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
pact-broker list-latest-pact-versions -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # List the latest pact for each integration
pact-broker publish PACT_DIRS_OR_FILES ... -a, --consumer-app-version=CONSUMER_APP_VERSION -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Publish pacts to a Pact Broker.
pact-broker test-webhook --uuid=UUID -b, --broker-base-url=BROKER_BASE_URL # Test the execution of a webhook
pact-broker version ```