Community videos and articles
Check out the official Pact blog at and the PactFlow blog for blogs written by Pact maintainers.
If you've seen a really good talk that's not on this list, please submit a PR to this page with the new link.
- OLX - Journey to Contract Testing through Pact
- Contract Tests: APIs Guided by Consumers (Augusto Alessio)
Customer Stories
- eBay - API evolution with Confidence
- Discover Financial Services - Break free from end-to-end testing: Why contract testing is the key to microservices success
- Step by step working demo of 🤝 Contract Testing with Pact
- How to avoid common pitfalls with modern microservices testing (Video, slides also available)
- Introduction To Contract Testing With Examples (Lewis Prescott)
- Contract Testing fundamentals(part 1)
- Contract Testing fundamentals(part 2)
- Testing Microservices End-to-End in Isolation with API Contracts | Lewis Prescott | TestFlix 2022
- Contract testing asynchronous messaging with Pact and MockK
Introduction to Consumer Driven Pact Testing - Angular, Spring Boot, Docker, Jest, Junit and Mockito (Video)
How to establish quality gates in a Microservices architecture
Deploy with Speed and Confidence Using Contract Testing and Pact – TestJS Summit (Matt Fellows) (Video)
Customer Stories
- Ibotta
- M1 Finance
- Boost Insurance
- Why We Killed Our End-to-End Test Suite: How Nubank switched to a Contract and Acceptance testing strategy to scale to over 1k engineers
- Consumer-Driven Contract Testing - A path to test in isolation with confidence (Raquel Bautista Garrido / Fanduel) (Video)
- Test Automation Talks - Why? What? How? (Bas Dijkstra) (Video)
Customer Stories:
- - Consumer
- ASOS - Retail (Video)
- John Lewis - Retail
- Mastercard
- IBM - Cloud Garage Practices
- Contentful - Tech
- Die Mobiliar - Insurance
Customer Stories:
- Pact tests: how we split up the monolithic deploy (Mettle UK) (Video)
- Microservices. Test smarter, not harder (Video)
- Atlassian - Spec First API Development
- Portbase - Monolith to microservices
- Gov UK
- Solidstudio
- Avisi
- JAX London Video (Video)
- Codecentric
- Codecentric
- Kreuzwerker / Idealo
- AgilePartner
- Baeldung
- n26 - Bank
- Testing your contracts (introductory tutorial: 5 part series)
- Indrek - what is contract testing
- Indrek - contract testing workflows
- Benext (Video)
- Angular + Spring Boot
- Ibotta
Customer Stories:
- Testing in Production, the safe way
- Cucumber
- Hackernoon
- Rising Stack
- Service Evolution with Consumer Driven Contracts and Pact (.Net)
- Beyond consumer driven contract testing (video)
Customer Stories:
- Codefresh / Anton weiss
- Move Fast and Consumer-Driven-Contract-Testing Things - Soundcloud MicroXchng 2017"
- Consumer Driven Contract Testing with Pact and Docker - Harry Winser (Video)
- It's not hard to test smart (Video)
- Consumer driven contract testing - Pact (.NET)
- Deploy with Confidence! Video from April Melb JVM Meetup (Video)
- Deploy with Confidence! Slides from April Melb JVM Meetup.
- Verifying Microservice Integrations with Contract Testing - Atlassian at their 2016 summit (Video)
- Deploy with Confidence - Making your microservices play nicely together with Pact and Consumer Driven Contracts (Video by our maintainer Ronald Holshausen)
- Consumer-driven contracts with Pact and PHP
- Pacts to the rescue! API Days (Video)
- Martin Fowler's Microservices resource guide
- Enter the Pact Matrix. Or, how to decouple the release cycles of your microservices.
- The Odyssey from Monoliths to Microservices (Video)
- Pacts to the rescue! (Video) (Video)
- Microservices testing with Pact-Net (Video) (Video)
- Microservices testing slidedeck
- Thoughtworks Tech Radar
- Ruby Rogues
- SE Radio
- A microservices implementation retrospective
- Karma Refactors to Microservices
- Simplifying microservices testing with pacts