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Customise contract testing for you with the new Pact Plugin Framework



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Pact with more power – introducing the Pact Plugin Framework

Your favourite contract testing framework comes Pact with more power! The new Pact Plugin Framework completes the missing piece to help development teams apply contract testing across all of their API technologies and use cases.

Pact was originally created to support the rise of RESTful microservices and has since expanded to support asynchronous messaging, becoming the defacto API contract testing solution.

As architectures have evolved, organisations find that the existing Pact contract testing framework may not support all of their use cases.

The industry has continued to innovate since Pact was created in 2013, and RESTful microservices are now only one of the key use cases today, we now see growth of:

  • Protocols such as Protobufs and GraphQL (80% of organisations run multi-protocol and more than 60% of organisations manage three or more)
  • Transports such as gRPC, Websockets and MQTT
  • Newer interaction models such as streaming, async or server push
  • Event Driven Architectures and data pipelines
  • Emerging standards such as AsyncAPI and CloudEvent

If you’ve been held up applying contract testing to a specific use case, consider the blockers abolished with the new Pact Plugin Framework! Now anyone can build a new component to use with contract testing without the burden of having to set up and manage the underlying framework.


Join Matt & Yousaf at one of two live webinars to learn about the Pact Plugin Framework, how you can now build your own plugin and ask any questions you may have. ·

  • Session 1: Wed 30 Nov - 4pm EST; 1pm PST / Thursday 1 Dec - 8am AEST
  • Session 2: Wed 1 Dec - 10am BST / Thursday 1 Dec - 9pm AEST

Note: we will record these sessions and email them the following day.


Matt Fellows-B W-circle-200px

Matt Fellows - Core Maintainer at Pact and Principal Product Manager - PactFlow at SmartBear

Yousaf Nabi_B W-circle -200px

Yousaf Nabi - Core Maintainer & Community Shepherd at Pact and Developer Advocate - PactFlow at SmartBear

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