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Simple Example Protobuf provider

Source Code​

This provider starts a simple HTTP server that returns the Protobuf messages based on the request body. It expects a POST request with a JSON body, and depending on the description attribute will return a Protobuf message.

To generate the Go code for the proto file, run protoc -I=../../../proto/ --go_out=. ../../../proto/plugin.proto

Run the provider using go run main.go

Verifying the Protobuf provider​

Before the provider can be verified, the Protobuf plugin needs to be built and installed into $HOME/.pact/plugins. See the plugins docs for instructions.

Run the provider using go run main.go

In another terminal, use the pact_verifier_cli to verify the pacts from the consumer tests. It needs to be version 0.9.0+ to support plugins. The provider will be running on port 8111.

$ pact_verifier_cli -f ../protobuf-consumer-jvm/build/pacts/protobuf-consumer-protobuf-provider.json -p 8111
05:56:37 [WARN]

Please note:
We are tracking this plugin load anonymously to gather important usage statistics.
To disable tracking, set the 'pact_do_not_track' environment variable to 'true'.

Verifying a pact between protobuf-consumer and protobuf-provider

Configure Interaction Response

Test Name: io.pact.example.protobuf.provider.PactConsumerTest.consumeConfigureInteractionResponseMessage(AsynchronousMessage)
generates a message which
has a matching body (OK)

init plugin message

Test Name: io.pact.example.protobuf.provider.PactConsumerTest.consumeInitPluginMessage(AsynchronousMessage)
generates a message which
has a matching body (OK)