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Output Logging​

There are several ways to print the logs:

Logger Singleton Instance​

You can run these code (once) before running tests:

use PhpPact\Log\Logger;
$logger = Logger::instance();
$logger->attach(new File('/path/to/file', LogLevel::DEBUG));
$logger->attach(new Buffer(LogLevel::ERROR));
$logger->attach(new Stdout(LogLevel::WARN));
$logger->attach(new Stderr(LogLevel::INFO));
  • Pros
    • Flexible, can be used in any test framework
    • Support plugins (e.g. csv, gRPC)
    • Support multiple sinks
  • Cons
    • Need to modify the code (once, before the tests)

PHPUnit Extension​

You can put these elements to PHPUnit's configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" colors="true">
<env name="PACT_LOG" value="./log/pact.txt"/>
<env name="PACT_LOGLEVEL" value="DEBUG"/>
<bootstrap class="PhpPact\Log\PHPUnit\PactLoggingExtension"/>
  • Pros
    • Support plugins (e.g. csv, gRPC)
    • No need to modify the code
  • Cons
    • Support only single sink (stdout or file, depend on the value of the environment variables)
    • Only for PHPUnit



use PhpPact\Standalone\MockService\MockServerConfig;


use PhpPact\Standalone\ProviderVerifier\Model\VerifierConfig;
  • Pros
    • Simple
  • Cons
    • Do not support plugins (e.g. csv, gRPC)
    • Only single sink (stdout)