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Enabling debug logging

Enabling debug/verbose logging can help identify the cause of issues. For many Pact libraries, this will allow you to see the HTTP requests and responses when the library interacts with a Pact Broker or PactFlow. For older Pact libraries that wrap a shared Ruby Pact implementation, verbose logging can be enabled by setting the environment variable VERBOSE=true. New Pact libraries that use the shared Rust Pact implementation will have their own language specific ways of enabling verbose logging.

pact-cli Docker image​

Set environment variable VERBOSE=true. This will cause the HTTP requests and responses to be logged to the console.

Pact Ruby Standalone​

Set environment variable VERBOSE=true. This will cause the HTTP requests and responses to be logged to the console.

Pact Ruby​

Set environment variable VERBOSE=true. This will cause the HTTP requests and responses to be logged to the console.

Pact JS​

Latest (10.x.x, 11.x.x)

Set the logLevel property to trace when configuring the PactV3({...}) or PactV4({...}) class, or as an option to the verifier.


For consumer tests, set the logLevel property to debug when configuring the Pact({...}) class. Logs will be emitted to the console.

For provider tests, set the verbose property to true on the Verifier class to log additional HTTP requests and responses to a pact.log file in the directory specified by the logDir property.

Pact JVM​

Set the logging level to debug in the logging framework used in your project. These docs may assist you in enabling logging for the HTTP client used by the Pact library. Note that Maven CLI, Gradle CLI and Springboot have their own methods of configuring logging, and you will need to consult the docs for the relevant framework in your project.

Pact Python​


Pact PHP​


Pact Scala​


Pact Go​


For consumer tests, set the LogLevel property to debug on the Pact struct. Logs will be emitted to the console.

For provider tests, specify PactLogDir to write verbose HTTP request and responses to a pact.log file in the given directory, and set PactLogLevel string to debug.


You can either set the LOG_LEVEL environment variable to TRACE before running your tests or add SetLogLevel("trace") to the top of your test.

NOTE: SetLogLevel can only be set once across your entire suite and cannot be changed dynamically