2023-08-24 13:48
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 13:48
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 13:48
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 17:15
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 17:15
Welcome @j3rry.wan9 :blobwave: Thanks for getting in touch about becoming a Pactober Builder!

2023-08-24 17:16
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 17:19
Thanks for the invitation! Not sure what made me qualified as a Pactober Builder though :laughing:

2023-08-24 17:22
:sweat_smile: I don?t know what made me qualified either! We will work on getting some topics in here that people can work on over the course of the month, and maybe build out additional workshops to work on them. As you?ve expressed interest in getting involved, we?d just love to keep you abreast of all the latest information, and the chance to participate wherever you want to get involved.

2023-08-24 18:46
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 18:46
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-24 18:48
Welcome @riley.marzka and @jared.anderson! Thanks for responding about expressing interest in becoming a Pactober Builder! We?ve had a few responses from interested parties, so using this as a gathering place. I?ll be popping some more information and ways for people to introduce themselves to the group, and decide on what we all fancy tackling!

2023-08-24 18:49
There isn?t an strict formula per sai, just finding out what people are interesting in getting involved in, and then finding the right ways to help facilitate that :raised_hands:

2023-08-24 19:24
:wave: Thanks for the invite, looking forward to it all

2023-08-24 20:08
:blobwave: Happy to be here!

2023-08-25 13:26
has joined #pactober-builders

2023-08-28 23:10
:wave: Hey @yousafn! Jared and I are thinking of building a Pact/Pactflow plugin for Backstage. Our company is adopting Backstage as our centralized developer portal. It will be the home for all of our documentation and as much metrics/analytics as we can pipe into it from our other tools. We'd like to build a plugin to pull in the data from Pactflow and display it in Backstage. There is also an opportunity to build some metrics/analytics and other cool stuff into it to help us track trends over time and be able to assess the overall success of our contract testing initiative.

2023-08-28 23:14
OK that answers my question in the other channel - backstage seems to be gaining popularity.

2023-08-29 11:34
Yo, That sounds super cool! Might be worth raising it as a feature request on our canny board Also tangentially related, someone raised a PR but closed it around adding a puma metrics endpoint to the pact broker There is.a prometheus exporter here I?ve not used it though, it came to my attention in this thread

2023-08-29 11:36
Our PactFlow example repos in various languages are all based on a common scenario There is an OpenAPI document for it for here. I?d love to make all the repos work for the OS Pact Broker as well (its just a case of reading whichever env vars are set, and limited to CDCT only) - but this might give a demo scenario and docs to create a sample backstage application as a playground

2023-08-29 11:37
Also more generally I would LOVE to work with the realworld project and showcase Pact with all the different language impls This might be a more realistic real world playground.

2023-09-07 16:04
Hey @riley.marzka, Just having a look at the docs for Backstage, to see what kind of format of data they need. Saw these two which talk about catalog and entity providers. ? ? Would you need to make some kind of view to render things in BackStage? or would it be incorporated into something existing. Would it make sense to ? think about the data points you would want to show? ? work out what data points we can get at, from the brokers api?s and/or db ? mock up some visuals on how we want the data to be rendered Armed with those, and some document references, we could sketch out a decent feature proposal and carve out some tasks. the repo would be a good place to raise an issue to track, and we can add it to the feature board as well. We can assign yourselves as working on it/leading it, and we can see if others want to join, or help test it out :slightly_smiling_face: Otherwise happy to work with however you want to get this work advertised

2023-09-07 16:05
I think i might spend a bit of my Friday hack time tomorrow getting a little hello backstage setup together on my machine

2023-09-07 16:08
@yousafn wanted to ack your message and let you know that I will take a look at this next week. I have some commitments this week that need to take priority.

2023-09-07 16:09
No worries at all, just wanted to check back in and say I hadn?t forgotten about this! Hope all goes well this week and speak to you when you are next free (anytime)

2023-09-18 16:29
:wave: Hey @yousafn, just wanted to check back in and let you know that :hankey: has hit the fan a little bit in terms of project work for Jared and I. We are all-hands-on-deck at the moment trying to finish upgrading a massive project from Spring Boot 2.1 -> 3.0. We probably won't have much time to spend on this for at least a couple more weeks, unfortunately.

2023-09-18 16:36
No worries at all Riley! No expectations from our side! Best of luck with the upgrade, I can imagine that is going to be a wee bit hairy, or if not hairy at least laborious! I?m happy to put up a feature request on our board, so if anyone wants to chip in they can. As an fyi - we probably aren?t looking to record our Pactober sessions, just working async, so everyone can just dip in or dip out and the main aim is to gain contributors for the future, so even if we get others join later on in the year/next year, that is all good too :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for keeping us in the loop, really appreciate it

2023-10-02 16:46
has joined #pactober-builders